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Q: How many words where spoken by Jesus Christ in the new testament?
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Is Jesus part of the Old or New Testament?

Jesus is referenced in the Old Testament in prophetic terms, or in other words, the Old Testament predicts his coming to earth. In addition, it has been suggested that Jesus is part of the "we" or "us" that God refers to himself as throughout the Old Testament, as if Jesus existed with God prior to his physical form. However, the Old Testament does not explicitly address this - it is merely implied. The New Testament records the actual birth of Christ, his life, and his death. Specifically, the gospels (the first four books of the New Testament) - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - speak mainly on the life and teachings of Christ, while other books are based on his teachings, or comprised completely of his teachings.

Why does the New Testament have words in red?

because the words represent what Jesus said. he wasn't around in the old testament

What is the most mentioned name in the old testament?

God, is what i suggest! As Jesus in mentioned in the new testament instead of the old! hope i helped!Actually Jesus is mentioned many times in the old testament, the problem is Jesus is the greek name used for the hebrew name Joshua. Also Christ is mentioned many times in the old testament too, as Christ is the greek word used for the hebrew word Messiah.Remember none of the bible was written in English (or Latin). The old testament was written in a mixture of hebrew, chaldean (babylonian), and aramaic; while the new testament was written in common greek. Words from each of these languages are typically transliterated to english rather than translated, sometimes resulting in 2 or more english words for the same thing depending on the part of the bible the words appear in.For what it is worth, the Joshua for whom a book in the bible is named is considered in jewish tradition to be a Messiah; so in greek he could justifiably be referred to as Jesus Christ!

What were the first words of Jesus in the Bible?

That depends on whether you believe that Jesus appeared in the Old Testament or not. If you do, Jesus first recorded words are "Let there be light." If you do not believe in Jesus in Old Testament, His first recorded words were in Luke 2:49, " Why are you looking for me? Don't you know I must do my Father's will."

How many times do the words 'in Christ' appear in the epistles?

In the King James version, the New Testament epistles contain the words "in Christ" eighty-three times.

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Why isn't God's words written in red in the Old Testament?

Bibles, called "Red Letter Editions" feature the words of Jesus Christ in red. Jesus only appears in the New Testament, that is why there is no red in the Old Testament. Truly every word of the Holy Bible is inspired by God, and the lack of red in no way diminishes the importance of the Old Testament.

How many times does Jesus says follow Me in the Old Testament?

None. Jesus was not in the Old Testament Books

Is Jesus part of the Old or New Testament?

Jesus is referenced in the Old Testament in prophetic terms, or in other words, the Old Testament predicts his coming to earth. In addition, it has been suggested that Jesus is part of the "we" or "us" that God refers to himself as throughout the Old Testament, as if Jesus existed with God prior to his physical form. However, the Old Testament does not explicitly address this - it is merely implied. The New Testament records the actual birth of Christ, his life, and his death. Specifically, the gospels (the first four books of the New Testament) - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - speak mainly on the life and teachings of Christ, while other books are based on his teachings, or comprised completely of his teachings.

Why does Islam hate St. Paul?

Hate would be the wrong word, rather he is not accepted. In Islam, he is considered to have changed the original words of the testament given to Jesus Christ.

Why does the New Testament have words in red?

because the words represent what Jesus said. he wasn't around in the old testament

What is the meaning of Siete Palabras?

Siete Palabras is a reference to the seven final phrases reportedly spoken by Jesus Christ prior to his death by crucifixion upon the Cross. Believed to be uttered in the Aramic language that was spoken by Jesus, they have been translated into Greek and Hebrew by religious scholars and are revered by millions who understand them to be the exact words spoken during the crucifixion.

What year did the book of Mormon add the words another testament of Jesus Christ?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints added the subtitle "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" to the Book of Mormon in 1982 in order to clarify and emphasize the purpose of the Book of Mormon. All copies of the Book of Mormon published by this church today carry this subtitle. Other denominations in the Mormonism movement that publish their own editions of the Book of Mormon, as well as private and commercial printings, generally do not include the subtitle.

What is the most mentioned name in the old testament?

God, is what i suggest! As Jesus in mentioned in the new testament instead of the old! hope i helped!Actually Jesus is mentioned many times in the old testament, the problem is Jesus is the greek name used for the hebrew name Joshua. Also Christ is mentioned many times in the old testament too, as Christ is the greek word used for the hebrew word Messiah.Remember none of the bible was written in English (or Latin). The old testament was written in a mixture of hebrew, chaldean (babylonian), and aramaic; while the new testament was written in common greek. Words from each of these languages are typically transliterated to english rather than translated, sometimes resulting in 2 or more english words for the same thing depending on the part of the bible the words appear in.For what it is worth, the Joshua for whom a book in the bible is named is considered in jewish tradition to be a Messiah; so in greek he could justifiably be referred to as Jesus Christ!

What were the first words of Jesus in the Bible?

That depends on whether you believe that Jesus appeared in the Old Testament or not. If you do, Jesus first recorded words are "Let there be light." If you do not believe in Jesus in Old Testament, His first recorded words were in Luke 2:49, " Why are you looking for me? Don't you know I must do my Father's will."

What influenced Skillet?

Two words; Jesus Christ!

How do you explain what the New Testament to children?

You can tell them that the New Testament contains historical records about the life of Jesus and the establishment of the Christian Church. However you should also teach how the Old Testament is a record of man's history and God's dealing with mankind throughout history. In the Old Testament the nature and character of God is revealed and we learn about the relationship of God and man. You should also teach how the New Testament is a fulfillment of things foretold in the Old Testament and how the coming of Christ is another way in which God has spoken to all of mankind. The New Testament cannot be explained without reference to the Old Testament. Even themeaning of the words 'old' and 'new' 'testament' are important in explaining the New Testament