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The Bible does not allow divorce, so only one wife is allowed.

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There are a number of patterns of marriage in both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. In the Hebrew texts, polygamy is not unusual, and most of the Hebrew patriarchs are recorded as having several wives. Kings of Israel and Judah had vast harems. As a patriarchal society, Hebrew men could dismiss (divorce) their wives easily, and women could divorce their husbands under specific, limited circumstances, such as withholding of intercourse to prevent pregnancy. A notable divorce is Abraham's dismissal of Hagar at Sarah's insistence.

In the Christian Scriptures, in most instances men are limited to one wife. However, some allowances are given, specifically in regards to "unbelievers," (2 Corinthians 6: 13-16) and in the case of adultery.

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Q: How many wives are men allowed to marry according to the Bible?
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Maximum Four wives at a time is allowed. A man is allowed to marry more then one if he can do act justly towards wives: Where one wife do not get preferantial treatment in all other aspect except feelings. The husband is allowed have stronger feeling for one wife more then the other but he can't buy gift for one wife and not buy for the other wife. It is not permissible for man to marry more than one if he can not act justly towards his wives as explained earlier.

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I believe the answer is 1.

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