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Q: How many times was heavenly father mentioned in the old testament?
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How many times father is mention in the New Testament?

The word "father" is mentioned approximately 414 times in the New Testament. This includes references to biological fathers, the concept of God as the Father, and Jesus addressing God as his Father.

How many times are the words 'father you' mentioned in the New Testament?

Father is mentioned 979 times with 'father you' being mention just once in John 8:44 (as the words 'Father ye' in the KJV).

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The word "death" is mentioned 78 times in the New Testament.

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The name is mentioned 26 times in the Old Testament.

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She is mentioned several times in the Gospels but the main character is Jesus Christ and the Father whom He came to announce to mankind.

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The word "thanks" is mentioned 41 times in the King James Version of the New Testament.

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The fear of the Lord is mentioned 30 times, 29 in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament.

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There are only a few times in the New Testament that Mary is mentioned. The focus is on God the Father and Jesus.

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The book of Psalms is mentioned 44 times in the New Testament.

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Jesse is the name of the father of King David, as mentioned in the Old Testament. He lived around the times of 1,000 BCE.