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THE APPEARANCE OF JESUS 1). Jesus appeared to people from the day of his resurrection until his ascension forty days later. Ten distinct appearances are recorded in the Scriptures. They were at different places, times, and to different people. Jesus spoke, ate, drank, and embraced people. The eyewitnesses were convinced of his appearances. Finally, we are told that about five hundred people saw Jesus during this post-resurrection period. This constitutes credible, eye-witness testimony. 2). One explanation used to dismiss these sightings is hallucinations. This sounds like a plausible explanation until one realizes the data surrounding hallucinations supplied by modern medicine. As you look at this data you see that calling the appearance of Jesus mere hallucinations is impossible. His resurrection transformed them from scared renegades to powerful leaders of the first church. 2). Changed lives of people; yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Scripture Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20-21 Other verses about the resurrection: Acts 1: 1-11 1 Corinthians 15: 14 Ephesians 1: 19-20 Jesus appearances reported in the New Testament after resurrection- The primary accounts of the resurrection are in the Gospels: the last chapter of Matthew, of Mark, and of Luke, as well as the last two chapters of John. All these accounts agree that Jesus was killed by crucifixion and placed in a tomb. After observing the Sabbath, some of Jesus' female followers returned to the tomb, to complete the burial rites. When they arrived they discovered that the body had gone, and returned with some of the male disciples. Jesus then makes a series of appearances to the disciples, with the most notable being to Thomas and the other disciples in the upper room (Luke 20:26-31), along the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32) and beside the Sea of Galilee to reinstate Peter (John 21:1-23). His final appearance is reported as being forty days after the resurrection when he ascended into heaven (Luke 24:44-49). The followings are reported:

1 Corinthians 15

  1. "seen of Cephas, then of the twelve" 15:5
  2. "seen of above five hundred brethren at once" 15:6
  3. "seen of James; then of all the apostles" 15:7
  4. "last of all he was seen of me" (Paul) 15:8-9, also claimed in 9:1
Matthew 28 To Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary," as they were running from the empty tomb to inform the
  1. disciples. Jesus tells the women to instruct the disciples to go to Galilee to meet him.
  2. To the eleven, on a mountain in Galilee where Jesus had told the apostles to go, see Great Commission.
Mark 16
  1. To Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome.
  2. To two of Jesus's followers as they were walking in the countryside (Jesus appeared to them in "another form").
  3. To the eleven while they were dining.
Luke 24
  1. To Cleopas and one other disciple as they walked to Emmaus. At first "their eyes were holden" so that they could not recognize him. Later while having supper at Emmaus "their eyes were opened" and they recognized him.
  2. To "Simon." This appearance is not described directly by Luke but it is reported by the other apostles.
  3. To the eleven, together with some others (including Cleopas and his companion), in Jerusalem.
John 20-21
  1. To Mary of Magdala. At first she did not recognize him and thought that he was a gardener. When he said her name, she recognized him.
  2. To the disciples (not including Thomas) on that same day. They were indoors "for fear of the Jews." Jesus entered and stood in their midst while the doors were shut.
  3. To the disciples including Thomas, called Didymus. This was a week later, again indoors, and resulted in the famous doubting Thomas conversation.
  4. To "Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee's sons and two other of his disciples", by Lake Tiberias, see also Catch of 153 fish. The disciple whom Jesus loved was present in this group.
  1. To the Church in Jerusalem - forty days after the resurrection after which he ascended into heaven, with a prophecy to return (1:1-11).
  2. To Saul (Paul), on the Road to Damascus, though according to the text, it was a voice, not a vision, as Paul was blinded by a light (9:3-9, 22:6-11, 26:12-18) and also when Paul was in a trance he saw the Lord speaking (22:17-21).
  3. Peter also heard a voice while in a trance (10:9-16, 11:4-10).
  1. John of Patmos experiences a vision of the resurrected Jesus Christ described in 1:12-20.
Personal application: But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name. John 20:31
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Q: How many times was Jesus seen after the resurrection?
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How many were resurrected in the Bible?

Elijah brought the widows son back to life. Lazarus (Some may argue that being brought back to life is not the same as resurrection, as those brought back to life eventually die again.) Jesus Christ is believed by many to be the first fruit of the resurrection then after him it is said 'that many of the saints arouse and were seen by many.'

How many people witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?

No-one was present to witness the actual event. Mary Magdelene was the sole person to see him at the tomb. Surprinfg isn't it? ==== No one could have seen the resurrection unless they were in the tomb with Christ. Jesus was in a tomb enclosed by a huge stone. However, many were present to see Jesus die. His mother, another Mary, John, Roman guards and whomever else watched. No one doubts that Christ died. While no one witnessed Christ actually rise from the dead, hundreds of people saw Him after His resurrection. And none of the witnesses, I believe over 400, doubted His resurrection either.

How long after Jesus' Resurrection did the Ascension occer answer Was there a reason for this answer?

Acts 1:33To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: The Ascension is recorded as having occurred immediately after this statement by Luke is Acts 1, (see verses 9 - 11) who, in his typical chronological fashion, outlines the time frame involved in Jesus appearances between the resurrection and the ascension.

How many times did jesus say he is the only way to salvation?

Jesus never said that, because He is not the way to salvation, He is the salvation Luke 2:30 - "For mine eyes have seen thy salvation", and He is the only way to God, John 14:6- "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." How many times Jesus said one thing or another we cannot know, but if He said it once, it is enough to bet your life on it.

How many times did Jesus pray Before doing a miracle?

at most once sometimes none. for example for the roman centurion the centurion told jesus that he did not have to come to do the miracle the centurion needed, but just say it was done and it would be; because of jesus authority. no prayer said at all. the centurion had authority and recognized that jesus did too. jesus commented on this that he had not seen so much faith in any of the jews as he saw in that gentile roman centurion.

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Jesus was spotted the very day of His resurrection.

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The resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians because Christians see it as the resurrection that will (hopefully) one day be theirs and because it shows that Jesus did not surrender to death. The resurrection is seen by Christians as Jesus's victory over evil; evil had tried to kill Jesus, but he came back from the dead.

Who was seen with Jesus after his resurrection?

The four gospels and Acts of the Apostles provide various different versions of Jesus meeting some of his followers after his resurrection, but none of them makes any mention of any independent witnesses ever seeing Jesus with any of his followers.

What is spiritual and bodily resurrection?

A:In his epistles, Paul seems to have believed in a spiritual resurrection of Jesus, in other words believing that the resurrection and the ascension to heaven were one and the same. When he describes the appearances of Jesus to Cephas, James and the disciples, he makes no distinction with the presumably spiritual or even allegorical appearance to himself. Paul never seems to believe that the risen Jesus could be seen in the flesh. The New Testament gospels speak of a physical resurrection, because the body of Jesus was no longer in the tomb and they go to great pains to prove that Jesus' resurrection was real and in the flesh.

Why was Jesus' resurrection important to disciples and followers?

Prior to the Resurrection, the disciples did not fully understand who Jesus was. After His death, none of them believed that He would live again.It was only when they saw Him bodily and had his identity confirmed that they believed. What they witnessed turned them from fearful men hiding from the Jewish authorities into bold witnesses of what they had seen and who Jesus really was. Many of them would suffer greatly for sticking to their testimony.

Who is the focus of the gospel the person of the good news?

The focus of the gospel is Jesus Christ. He is the central figure in Christianity and is seen as the embodiment of the good news of salvation for humanity through his life, death, and resurrection.

What became of the pharisee Nicodemus after Jesus' death and resurrection?

After the meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus at night. Nothing else is mentioned in the bible.Another answer:Nicodemus is mentioned twice more after his clandestine meeting with Jesus (John 7:50 and John 19:39), but scripture doesn't reveal what "became" of him after Jesus' resurrection. He is last seen providing the "myrrh and aloes" with which to treat Jesus' body for burial.

How many were resurrected in the Bible?

Elijah brought the widows son back to life. Lazarus (Some may argue that being brought back to life is not the same as resurrection, as those brought back to life eventually die again.) Jesus Christ is believed by many to be the first fruit of the resurrection then after him it is said 'that many of the saints arouse and were seen by many.'

How many people witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?

No-one was present to witness the actual event. Mary Magdelene was the sole person to see him at the tomb. Surprinfg isn't it? ==== No one could have seen the resurrection unless they were in the tomb with Christ. Jesus was in a tomb enclosed by a huge stone. However, many were present to see Jesus die. His mother, another Mary, John, Roman guards and whomever else watched. No one doubts that Christ died. While no one witnessed Christ actually rise from the dead, hundreds of people saw Him after His resurrection. And none of the witnesses, I believe over 400, doubted His resurrection either.

Do catholics believe jesus rose form the grave?

Yes, Catholics believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. They adhere to the belief that Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion, which is seen as a central tenet of their faith.

What happen to Jesus after the resurrection?

The author traditionally known as Luke says that Jesus rose bodily to heaven. In the Gospel of Luke, this occurred near Bethany on the evening of his resurrection. In Acts of the Apostles, written some time later, Jesus rose bodily to heaven after forty days. All the gospels in their present form also say that Jesus was seen at least once by the disciples and by some women.

Why do you think jesus waited with the disciples forty days after his resurrection before going to heaven?

A:It is unclear just when Jesus did ascend to heaven, if this is historically correct. Acts of the Apostles tells us that he ascended after forty days, during which he was seen by many (1:3). On this account, he could have chosen to wait until enough people had seen him to prove his resurrection was real. However, Luke's Gospel, written by the same author but somewhat earlier, says that Jesus ascended to heaven on the evening of the day of his resurrection (24:51). Paul, in his epistles, seems to have believed that the resurrection and the ascension to heaven were one and the same event - in other words, that Jesus was resurrected spiritually and that there was no physical resurrection. Matthew and Mark do not mention an ascension to heaven, and Matthew's account of the appearance of the risen Jesus to the disciples seems to rule out the ascension in Acts as well as that in Luke. On these accounts we can not say that Jesus waited forty days, or even that he ascended bodily to heaven at all.