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Worship has been used many times as a noun in The Bible.

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Q: How many times is worship used as a noun in the bible?
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How many times is the word fasting mentioned in the bible?

According to the Hayford Bible hand book it claims that the Verb "fast" occurs 22 times and the Noun fast occurs 26 times. (page 615- under the definition of FAST )

How many times is the noun hope used in the bible?

I have a database which counts the words/phrases in the King James version. Unfortunately I have no way of telling it when a word with several forms - noun, verb, adverb or adjective, for example - is being used in a particular form. All I can say is that In the King James version the word - hope - appears 129 times

How many times is the word redeemed used in the Bible?

"Redeemed" occurs 61 times, and together with it's cognate words (Redeeming, Redeem, etc) occur 106 times in the King James English translation. The occurences of the noun, "Redeemer" add another 18, making a grand total of 124. Why not download one of the many free Bible programs available which can answer questions like this with just a click? - God bless, Mac

How many times is the word witness used in the bible?

The NIV uses "witness" 108 times in the Bible (63 times in the Old Testament and 45 times in the New Testament.) In the King James, it's 167 times. The Greek word commonly translated "witness" (as a verb) is μαρτυρέω [martureo] and it appears 117 times in the LXX (Greek translation of the Old Testament) and the New Testament. The Greek word for "a witness" (as a noun) is μάρτυς [martus] and it appears 93 times. Also of note is the word for "testimony/witness" which is μαρτύριον [marturion] and it appears 275 times (primarily in the first 5 books of the Bible plus the Psalms, but it is used sporadically elsewhere.)

Is time countable noun?

it's uncountable since we can't say many times but much time

Related questions

How many times is the word fasting mentioned in the bible?

According to the Hayford Bible hand book it claims that the Verb "fast" occurs 22 times and the Noun fast occurs 26 times. (page 615- under the definition of FAST )

How many times prositute mentioned in Bible?

The word "prostitute" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1 time. It is in 1 verse. The noun for a prostitute in the King James Version of the Bible is "whore." The word "prostitute" is used only as a verb in the King James Version of the Bible.

What is the collective noun for writers?

The collective noun for the noun 'writers' is a worship of writers.

How many times is the noun hope used in the bible?

I have a database which counts the words/phrases in the King James version. Unfortunately I have no way of telling it when a word with several forms - noun, verb, adverb or adjective, for example - is being used in a particular form. All I can say is that In the King James version the word - hope - appears 129 times

Is bible a common noun?

Its a proper noun if your referring to the actual book of scripture.Its a common noun if your referring to it in a general sense as a book of authority. Jay Leno used to say in his monologue at times, "I was reading (insert magazine name) the other day, my bible".

How many times does the word Legion appears in the bible?

Legion as the proper name of the demons possessing the man - two times in most versions. As a noun describing this demon and the number of those in a fighting force, then it is commonly four.

Is bible a proper noun?

The noun Bible (capital B) is a proper noun as the title of the religious text of Christianity. The noun bible (lower case b) is a common noun as a word for a book that is considered the most important one for a particular subject.

Is worshiped a noun?

No, the word 'worshiped' (one 'p') is the past participle, past tense of the verb to worship. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The word 'worship' is both a noun and a verb.The noun 'worship' is a word for the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity or some other thing; a word for an emotion or an activity.The noun forms of the verb to worship are worshiper and the gerund, worshiping.

Is worship a abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'worship' is an abstract noun, a word for the outward showing of respect toward a divine being or supernatural power; great admiration or devotion to someone or something; a word for a concept.

What is the singular possessive form of bible?

The noun Bible (capital B) is a proper noun as the title of the religious text of Christianity. The noun bible (lower case b) is a common noun as a word for a book that is considered the most important one for a particular subject.

How many times is the word redeemed used in the Bible?

"Redeemed" occurs 61 times, and together with it's cognate words (Redeeming, Redeem, etc) occur 106 times in the King James English translation. The occurences of the noun, "Redeemer" add another 18, making a grand total of 124. Why not download one of the many free Bible programs available which can answer questions like this with just a click? - God bless, Mac

How many times can a bumble bee?

bee is a noun not a verb