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Q: How many times is the word remember used in the book of Deuteronomy?
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How many times does Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy?


Did jesus quote from Deuteronomy?

Many times. All three of his responses when he was tempted in the desert are from Deuteronomy.

How many times is the word heart used in the book of Deuteronomy?

The word 'heart' (or 'hearts') is used in 183 verses in the Doctrine and Covenants, many times appearing twice in the same verse.

How many times in the word cursed mentioned in Deuteronomy chapter 28?

According to the New International version of the Bible, the word cursed is used 6 times in chapter 28 of Deuteronomy.

How many verses are in the book of Deuteronomy?

There are 959 verses in the book of Deuteronomy based on the English translation. Note that the original Bible did not have chapters or verse numbering so the original Hebrew bible would not be counted in terms of verses.

How many times is the ten commandments mentioned in the bible?

at Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5

What book in the bible is Joshua in?

Joshua is mentioned in the book bearing his name, but also in many other books in The Bible including Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

How many words in the book Remember when?


How many times does stiff necked appear in the Bible?

Atleast six times. (Exodus 32:9)(Exodus 33:3-5)(Exodus 34:9)(Deuteronomy 9:6)(Deuteronomy 9:13)(Acts 7:51)

How many times is the word times mentioned in the bible?

None, but remember the word bible means {Book] But it mentions 'scriptures a few times' (2 Timothy 3:16) and remember The Bible was written on scrolls, that were rolled up etc, and papyrus (they didn't have biro pens and A4 paper back then).

How many words are in Deuteronomy?

In the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible International Version there are twenty-six thousand four hundred ninety-four words (24,494). This book includes when the Israelites were still in the desert and in the Promise Land. Also, it is about when Moises does not enter the Canaan and goes to Mount Nebo and died there.

How many times were the Ten Commandments listed in the Bible?

Three slightly different versions of the Ten Commandments are listed, in Exodus twice and Deuteronomy. Exodus 20, Exodus 34:15, and Deuteronomy 5.