the word love is recorded 3 times in the bible
The word LOVE is mentioned 686 times in the NIV Bible. Love is a constant theme throughout the Holy Bible.
about 356 times
The word believe is in the Bible 143 times.The word love is in the Bible 360 times and the word work is in the Bible 402 times and the word discipline is used 29 times
281 times (Word search using Online Bible word search function)
the word love is recorded 3 times in the bible
The word LOVE is mentioned 686 times in the NIV Bible. Love is a constant theme throughout the Holy Bible.
about 356 times
561 times
The word 'love' is written 546 times in The Bible. A similar word, 'charity', is found 24 times in the New Testament.
The word believe is in the Bible 143 times.The word love is in the Bible 360 times and the word work is in the Bible 402 times and the word discipline is used 29 times
God's love runs throughout The Bible. The word Love appears in the Old Testament 131 times and the New Testament 179 times.
281 times (Word search using Online Bible word search function)
508 times in the NIV.
Approximately 311 times
God's love runs throughout The Bible. The word Love appears in the Old Testament 131 times and the New Testament 179 times.
A quick google search revealed the word 'love' appears 483 times in the New American Standard Bible or NASB.