The word 'fear' appears 528 times in the King James version of the Bible.
The phrase "fear not" appears 63 times in the KJV bible.
The word, fear, appears 216 times in the old testament and 56 times in the new testament for a total of 272 times. Vernon R. Harris Bear Mountain Scientific
The word fear appears 326 times in the NIV bible. Try this site and look for yourself.
How many times is the word worry we find in the Bible Bible
The word 'fear' appears 528 times in the King James version of the Bible.
The phrase "fear not" appears 63 times in the KJV bible.
Approximately 400 times
In the King James version the phrase - fear not - appears 62 times the word - fearful - appears 11 times the word - fearfully - appears once the word - Fearfulness - appears 3 times
The word, fear, appears 216 times in the old testament and 56 times in the new testament for a total of 272 times. Vernon R. Harris Bear Mountain Scientific
The word fear appears 326 times in the NIV bible. Try this site and look for yourself.
How many times is the word worry we find in the Bible Bible
How many times is the word fruitfulness used in the Bible
does that matter?...the bible matters not how many times the word 'what' is used in it
The word "knowledge" is in the King James Version of the Bible 172 times. It is in 169 verses.
The word 'word' appears 737 times in the KJV Bible.
The word "word" is used 569 times in the NIV Bible, and the word "words" is used 424 times in the NIV Bible. The word "Word" appears in the KJV Bible, 1,179 times.