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Q: How many times is the word angel in the Bible?
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How many times in the Bible is the word Angel?

The word "angel" appears 290 times in the Bible.

How many times is the word angels mentioned in the bible?

Angels are referenced 273 times in the Bible. Not all of those references are the exact word angel though...

Where in the Bible does the word Angel appear?

Mostly, the word angel appears in the Bible book of REVELATION- some 52 times.

How many times is angel mention in the bible?

The word "angel" is in the King James Version of The Bible 203 times. It is in 194 verses. Please see the related link below.

How many times do angels appear in the bible?

In the King James version * The word angel is mentioned 201 times * The word angels is mentioend 93 times * The word angel's is mentioned 2 times * The word angels' is mentioned 1 time

What Word is found only 4 times in bible?

The name of the angel Gabriel.

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How many times doess the Bible say angel?

The word 'angel' appears 201 times in the King James Version (KJV) from Genesis to Revelation. The word 'angels' appears 93 times. It appears 195 times in the NIV so the count varies slightly depending on which translation you use.

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does that matter?...the bible matters not how many times the word 'what' is used in it

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How many times is the word knowledge in the Bible?

The word "knowledge" is in the King James Version of the Bible 172 times. It is in 169 verses.

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The word 'word' appears 737 times in the KJV Bible.