Approximately 5621 times
Depending on what translation you are reading.
How many times is the word fruitfulness used in the Bible
does that matter?...the bible matters not how many times the word 'what' is used in it
The word sober is used 12 times in the Bible.
345 times the word power is used in the bible. 345 times the word power is used in the bible.
The word "word" is used 569 times in the NIV Bible, and the word "words" is used 424 times in the NIV Bible. The word "Word" appears in the KJV Bible, 1,179 times.
How many times is the word fruitfulness used in the Bible
does that matter?...the bible matters not how many times the word 'what' is used in it
The word is used 4 times in the Bible.
The word faith is used 247 times in The Bible..
The word "word" is used 569 times in the NIV Bible, and the word "words" is used 424 times in the NIV Bible.
The word sober is used 12 times in the Bible.
345 times the word power is used in the bible. 345 times the word power is used in the bible.
The word "word" is used 569 times in the NIV Bible, and the word "words" is used 424 times in the NIV Bible. The word "Word" appears in the KJV Bible, 1,179 times.
The word discern is used 23 times throughput The Bible.
The word discern is used 23 times throughput the Bible.
The specific word "Arise" is used 35 times in the Bible.
The word believe is in the Bible 143 times.The word love is in the Bible 360 times and the word work is in the Bible 402 times and the word discipline is used 29 times