The phrase "in him" appears 118 times in the KJV bible.
In the Hebrew Bible alone, this phrase occurs at least 180 times.
In the King James version * The phrase give thanks is mentioned 34 times * The phrase gave thanks is mentioned 11 times
The phrase be of good courage appears at least ten times in the Bible along with Be strong. The phrase is stated Be strong and be of good courage.
In the King James version the phrase - he gave - appears 79 times the phrase - she gave - appears 6 times
The phrase "in him" appears 118 times in the KJV bible.
The phrase "after this" is in the King James Version of the Bible 53 times. It is in 53 verses.
In the Hebrew Bible alone, this phrase occurs at least 180 times.
The phrase "jealous God" appears six times in the KJV bible.
In the King James version * The phrase give thanks is mentioned 34 times * The phrase gave thanks is mentioned 11 times
The phrase be of good courage appears at least ten times in the Bible along with Be strong. The phrase is stated Be strong and be of good courage.
In the King James version the phrase - he gave - appears 79 times the phrase - she gave - appears 6 times
In the King James versionThe phrase Holy Spirit is mentioned 7 timesThe phrase Holy Ghost is mentioned 89 times
In the KJV Bible voting is termed, 'cast lots' and this phrase appears 18 times
The phrase "God's will" is in the King James Version of the Bible 52 times. It is in 52 verses.
The phrase "be not afraid" is in the King James Version of the Bible 19 times. It is in 26 verses.
In the King James versionThe phrase Holy Spirit is mentioned 7 timesThe phrase Holy Ghost is mentioned 89 times