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525 times i just searched in the KJV i have on pdf. Check this out. It is a clip on sabbath rest.

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Q: How many times is rest mentioned in the bible?
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How many times rest is mentioned in the Bible?

The answer can only be found by using a good concordance and couting down the lines...this is something you must do!

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The graveyard in the Bible is mentioned in Genesis and is the place where many ancestors have been laid to rest.

How many times the bible use rest?

The word "rest" is in the King James Version of the Bible 275 times. It is in 265 verses.

How many times does the word rest appear in the NKJV Bible?


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In the King James versionthe phrase - rest in the Lord - appears once14458 Psa 37:7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

How many times is mentioned in the basic text of NA?

god in the lower case noun form is never mentioned in the Basic Text of N.A.. The proper name God is mentioned 315 times. Including 102 times in the programs intro, contents and first one hundred and seven pages. The rest of the times are in the following member shares.

When is the sabbath mentioned in the bible?

If you actually believe: The seventh day is supposed to be the Sabbath (God's the day of rest after creating the world).

How many times is god mentioned in the basic text of NA?

god in the lower case noun form is never mentioned in the Basic Text of N.A.. The proper name God is mentioned 315 times. Including 102 times in the programs intro, contents and first one hundred and seven pages. The rest of the times are in the following member shares.

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It is believed that the first mountain discovered is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which is mentioned in the Bible as the place where Noah's Ark came to rest.

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Jesus says 'hell' 15 times in the gospels. As the rest of the Bible is inspired by his Holy Spirit, we may say that he said 'hell' also, 27 times in the remainder of the New Testament, and about 42 times in the Old Testament.

How many verses in the King James version of the Bible include rest?


How many times is the word rest in the Bible?

Here are the number of results for a keyword search of "rest" (which would include "rested," "restless," "restrained," and other variants) in various translations: * NIV: 496 * NASB: 519 * The Message: 396 * The Amplified Bible: 585 * KJV: 380 * NKJV: 540 * NLT (2nd edition): 508