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Q: How many times is Jesus called rabbi or teacher in the bible?
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How many times is Jesus called 'teacher' in the Bible?

Nicodemus called Jesus "a teacher who has come from God". John 3:2 Jesus was called Rabbi which is priest, pastor, teacher.

How many times was Jesus called teacher or rabbi in the bible?

30 times in Matthew.

What are some of the things Jesus was called in the Bible?

Rabbi, teacher, Son of God, the Messiah, ect.

What was Jesus called by his followers?

They called him rabbi, or teacher.

Why was Jesus sometimes called rabbi?

It is because rabbi is a respectful name meaning teacher.

What word was Jesus sometimes called that meant your teacher or your master?


What did Jesus friends call him?

They called Him Rabbi, which means teacher in Hebrew.

What does the word rabbi mean in the bible?

The title Rabbi isn't present in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). That being said, Rabbi means 'teacher'.

What does rabbi mean in the Bible?

The only use of the word rabbi is to refer to a Jewish teacher or scholar. Rabbis are often prayer leaders as well.

Why was Jesus called rabbi?

The title Rabbi is used 12 times in connection with Jesus, and means "Teacher". Mark 9:5 and Mark 11:21 by Peter John 1:38 by two disciples of John the Baptizer John 1:49 by Nathanael John 3:2 by Nicodemus John 6:25 by the crowds John 4:31; 9:2; 11:8 by disciples not specified Matthew 26:25, 49; Mark 14:45 by Judas John 20:16; Mark 10:51 he is called "Rabboni" (My Teacher) by Mary Magdalene and by a blind man whom he healed.

What is a Hebrew teacher called?

A rabbi

How does Matthew depict that Jesus was a Teacher?

Jesus was called a Rabbi meaning "teacher". More than other titles of Jesus, the Jews and His disciples were fond of this title. He went about preaching and teaching the Kingdom of God". As teacher He amazed people with His insights. What differentiated Jesus as a teacher from other teachers of His day was His authority. He spoke with authority.