106 times
The word "wait" is in the King James Version of the Bible 106 times. It is in 101 verses.
106 times
Read it and you will find out !
The phrase 'wait on the Lord' appears 3 times in the Bible; all in Psalms - 20.22; 27.14; 37.14.
106 times
The word "wait" is in the King James Version of the Bible 106 times. It is in 101 verses.
106 times
Read it and you will find out !
The phrase 'wait on the Lord' appears 3 times in the Bible; all in Psalms - 20.22; 27.14; 37.14.
As many times as you can count in a good exhaustive concordance
In the King James version the word - wait - appears 106 times the word - waited - appears 35 times the word - waiteth - appears 11 times the word - waiting - appears 8 times
The word 'wait' is found 106 times in the King James Version (KJV). If you use related words (e.g. await, waited, waiting, etc.) then the count will be more.
occurs 106 times in 101 verses in the KJVhttp://www.blueletterbible.org/search/translationResults.cfm?Criteria=wait&t=KJV
At least 13 years.
A fellow contributor has said that water appeared 396 times. About bread and water together, wait please for a edition from any other fellow contributor. They always edit my incorrect answers.
31 times