In the King James version
the word - right - appears 359 times
the word - righteous - appears 238 times
the word - righteously - appears 8 times
the word - righteousness - appears 302 times
the word - righteousness' - appears 4 times
the word - righteousnesses - appears 3 times
the word - rightly - appears 4 times
the word - aright - appears 5 times
the word - birthright - appears 10 times
the word - unrighteous - appears 9 times
the word - unrighteously - appears once
the word - unrighteousness - appears 21 times
the word - upright - appears 68 times
the word - uprightly - appears 12 times
the word - uprightness - appears 19 times
The phrase does not appear in the bible.
426 times word without appear in the Bible
Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.
"Exodus" is a book in the Bible, not a word in the text of the Bible. The book of Exodus is in the Bible once. It is the second book in the Bible, right after Genesis.
The word "catholic" does not appear anywhere in the bible.
In the King James version the word - alright - does not appear at all.
The phrase does not appear in the bible.
426 times word without appear in the Bible
Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.
"Exodus" is a book in the Bible, not a word in the text of the Bible. The book of Exodus is in the Bible once. It is the second book in the Bible, right after Genesis.
The word "soteria" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "catholic" does not appear anywhere in the bible.
Seven times in the KJV Bible
18 times
84 times
22 times
The words "and God" appear 52 times in the New International Version of the Bible.