It varies by version. The KJV uses it 262 times and the NIV 124 times.
King James Statistics are at the link (not case sensitive) Mercy (276) Mercyseat (1) this is the word count not the verse count...
The word "mercy" is in the King James Version of the Bible 276 times. It is in 261 verses.
The word "mercy" appears 262 times in the KJV.
The word "mercy" appears 262 times in the KJV.
28,100 (this is an estimate)
The word "mercy" is in the King James Version of the Bible 276 times. It is in 261 verses.
The word "mercy" appears 262 times in the KJV.
The word "mercy" appears 262 times in the KJV.
28,100 (this is an estimate)
The phrase does not appear in the bible.
426 times word without appear in the Bible
28,100 (this is an estimate)
Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.
The word "soteria" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "catholic" does not appear anywhere in the bible.
Seven times in the KJV Bible