In the King James version
the word - Forgive - appears 56 times
the word - forgiven - appears 42 times
the word - forgiveness - appears 7 times
the word - forgivenesses - appears once
the word - forgiveth - appears twice
the word - forgiving - appears 4 times
The number of times the word forgive appears in the Bible, will vary depending on the version. In the KJV of the Bible, forgive appears 56 times.
According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the word "forgive" is in the Bible 53 times. That's not counting forgiven, forgiving, forgiveness, or forgave.
426 times word without appear in the Bible
The phrase does not appear in the bible.
seven times seventy seven
The number of times the word forgive appears in the Bible, will vary depending on the version. In the KJV of the Bible, forgive appears 56 times.
According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the word "forgive" is in the Bible 53 times. That's not counting forgiven, forgiving, forgiveness, or forgave.
The phrase does not appear in the bible.
426 times word without appear in the Bible
seven times seventy seven
The Bible states, “ You must forgive 77 times, for the one who hurt you... needs it most.” We all need to forgive each other, in order to live out our faith and fulfill the quest we were given from birth.
Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.
The word "soteria" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "catholic" does not appear anywhere in the bible.
Seven times in the KJV Bible
18 times
84 times