In the King James version
the word - faithfulness - appears 19 times
In the King James version the word - faithful - appears 82 times the word - faithfully - appears 8 times the word - faithfulness - appears 19 times
The word "faith" is mentioned 243 times "faithful" 82 time "faithfully" 8 times "faithfulness" 19 times in the KJV bible, according to Strong's concordance.
1000 times
Father occurs 1512 times in the KJV Bible
The word faith is used 247 times in The Bible..
Nine times.
13 times
Father occurs 1512 times in the KJV Bible
72 times in the King James Version of the Bible.
The word "discipleship" does not occur anywhere in the KJV bible. The word "disciple" occurs 29 times in 27 verses in the KJV bible.
"God knows you" does not occur in the KJV.
The phrase "go said" does not make any sense, and does not occur in the Bible.
The word "strentgh" does not occur anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "mediation" does not occur anywhere in the KJV or NIV bibles.
The word "mained" does not occur anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "serve" appears in 193 verses of the KJV bible. See related links for specific locations.