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Jesus mentions 'the church' 18 times in the New Testament.

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Q: How many times does Jesus mention the Church in the New Testament?
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How many times the word church mention in New Testament?


How many times does CHURCH appear in the Old Testament?

As far as I know the church was started by Paul in the new testament. And not in the old testament. At that time in the old testament they had the temple only. And Jesus also never did built a church in his life time.

How many times is the word body is mention in the bible?

152 times, but many of these references, especially in the New Testament refer to the body of Christ and to the church.

How Many times does jesus mention wine in new testament?

Yes during the last supper. even when he made the water into wine.

How many times in the new testament does Jesus mention heaven?

The precise number of times Jesus mentions heaven in the New Testament can vary depending on the translation used. However, it's generally agreed that Jesus refers to heaven approximately 70 times, with most of these instances occurring in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

How many times is Jesus mentioned in the New Testament?

how many times was jesus used in the new testament

How many times father is mention in the New Testament?

The word "father" is mentioned approximately 414 times in the New Testament. This includes references to biological fathers, the concept of God as the Father, and Jesus addressing God as his Father.

How many times Jesus quote from Old Testament?

Did you mean, "How many times DID Jesus quote from THE old testament?" If so, He quoted from the Old Testament 84 times.

How many times the word follower mention in the New Testament?

589 times, reffering to the new testament

How many times did Jesus mention sheep?

Never because Jesus did not exist. Jesus was alive and still is. He is with you right now. Jesus mentioned about sheep in the book of New Testament. he compared us being sheep, and God/Jesus being the Shepard.

How many times in the bible does Jesus mention heaven?

Depending upon which version of the Bible is consulted (Old Testament versus New testament) the estimate will vary between 140 and 240 times. The times "Hell" is mentioned, in contrast, is much more difficult to count.

How many times does Jesus says follow Me in the Old Testament?

None. Jesus was not in the Old Testament Books