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Q: How many times does God say to love him is to keep his commandments?
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How many times does 'If ye love me keep my commandments' appear in the King James Bible?

Once, in John 14:15.

How many times does the bible say keep the commandments?

Ten times And a bonus answer - the number ten is the number of proving or judgment.

How many times is the promise keep my commandments and ye shall prosper in the land used in the Book of Mormon?

I counted 100 instances of the word "Promise" (and variations such as 'promised' and 'promises') in the Book of Mormon. Most of the time this was linked with "promised land" or "land of promise". The phrase "keep my commandments" is used 25 times in the Book of Mormon. The phrase "ye shall prosper in the land" is used 10 times in the Book of Mormon. Each one of these instances is in the same verse as a variation of the phrase 'keep my commandments' or 'keep the commandments'.

How many times does the word commandments appear in the bible?

In the King James version the word - commandment - appears 177 times the word - commandments - appears 171 times

How many commandments did Jesus say hung the whole law?

The answer is two! Love God and love your neighbour as yourself.

How many times is the ten commandments mentioned in the bible?

at Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5

How many commandments were there before the Ten Commandments?

613 commandments.

Why do we consider the first three commandments as focused on god's love?

Answer:The 'meat' of the Law of God is called the Ten Commandments. The first Four show us how to Love God while the last 6 show us how to Love our Neighbors. The fourth Commandment is the bridging one in the sense that it gives mankind a picture of the future Millennial rest promised to all when God lives with men and establishes His Kingdom on Earth.A simple reading of the Commandments will clearly show this to the reader. God clearly states who He is and what He accepts as right behavior, like any parent tells their child. The Scripture repeats many times that to love God is to obey His Commandments - towards Him and His future family.

How many times is love your neighbor as yourself written in the bible?

The origin of this commandment is in Leviticus 19:18. In Mark 12:31, Jesus said that this is the greatest commandment. Matthew also referred to this commandment.

How many commandments where given to Moses?

Ten commandments

How many times does Jesus say I love you?


Does the great commandment sum up the ten commandments?

Yes, the great commandment to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is seen by many as summarizing the entire moral law, including the Ten Commandments. Jesus himself taught that all the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.