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roughoy about 1034 it think

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Q: How many times are sheep mentioned in King James version Bible?
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Where are black sheep mentioned in the bible?

I have not found black sheep in the Bible. The word black appears in 18 verses but, no sheep are mentioned in those verses.

How many times is dam mentioned in the Bible?

The word "dam" is in the King James Version of the Bible 5 times. It is in 4 verses. Please see the related link below. Note that the word "dam" in the Bible means a female animal, such as a sheep or bird. It is not a bad word. The one that is a bad word ends with the letter "N."

How many times does the word kid appear in the Bible?

The word "kid" is in the King James Version of the Bible 43 times. It is in 43 verses. Note that these references are to baby goats or sheep, not to human children.

How many times is sheep mentioned in Old and New Testament king James version?

The word sheep appears 189 times (148 OT, 41 NT) in the KJV of the Bible.A lamb is a young sheep and that word appears 175 times. A total of 357 verses have either the word sheep or lamb in it.

How many times sheep are mentioned in the Bible?

around 189 times.////////// King James Statistics are at the link(not case sensitive) Sheep (187)Sheepcote (2)Sheepcotes (1)Sheepfold (1)Sheepfolds (3)Sheepmaster (1)Sheep's (1)Sheepshearers (3)Sheepskins (1)204 times

What book in the Bible mention sheep the most?

Based only on word count in the New King James version, without regard to usage or context, the Old Testament book of I Samuel contains the most references to "sheep," with 21. The New Testament gospel of John is second, with 19.

Who were the lost sheep in the bible?

we are the lost sheep.

How many times is sheep written in the Bible?

Sheep appears 189 times in the Bible.

Are sheep and goats called cattle in the bible?

um, no. There are Shepherds that shepherd Sheep around.... Now Im not really sure about the goats but sheep are sheep in the Bible... :)

Tended sheep at night?

Tending sheep at night involves keeping vigil over the flock, ensuring their safety from predators and other threats. This involves staying alert and attentive to any signs of danger while also comforting and guiding the sheep as needed. It requires patience, diligence, and a deep connection to the animals.

Where in the Bible is Sheep Begat Sheep?

There is none... Someone just made it up so it would sound like it came from the Bible...

Did the devil create sheep?

Yes the devil created sheep in the beginning of the bible.