There are 7 syllables. You - see - the - leaves - blow-ing - off.
wow that is a hard question
A "foot" is a group of symbols marked off as a metrical unit, in poetry.
75% off of 6.00 leaves 1.50.
20% off of 45 leaves 36.
50 from 80 leaves 30. 50% from 80, which you may have meant, leaves 40.
"Off to an island" has five syllables.
There are two syllables. Off-shore.
There are 2 syllables in the word "offered" (of-fered).
There are 2 syllables. Off-ice.
There is 1 syllable.
There are 12 syllables. (They look good in an off-ice or a cub-i-cle)
leaves are what trees use to breathe when the tree has too many it takes some off a tree balances its leaves
You mean the outside unit is running and blowing but the inside unit is not blowing? Shut it off! Who ain't blowing? Elaborate please..
because he just is
uh huh.
There are typically eight or nine syllables in the first line of a limerick.