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2 syllables are in hungry

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Q: How many syllables are in hungry?
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How many syllables are in the sentence 'always makes you hungry'?

There are 6 syllables. Al-ways - makes - you - hun-gry.

How many syllables are in the word hungry?

Just two. The word Hungary has three; don't get them confused. There are two syllables in the word 'Hungry.' Hun gry are the two syllables. A syllable is a combination of vowels and consonants which forms a meaningful word. The syllables individually have a certain pronunciation, but when put together in order to form a word, they all together give a single pronunciation. Hun + gry = hungry Here in the first syllable, there is a combination of vowels and consonants. But in the second syllable, we find no vowels, but as we all know that 'Y' is a semi vowel, we can consider 'Y' a vowel here.

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