Look in the back of the bible and see how many references there are.
The Holy Bible has about thirty two references to tithing, seven of which are in the New Testament. The principle of tithing is giving to the Lord ten percent of your earnings as an offering.
The word "giving" appears in 122 verses of the NIV bible.
Alcohol is not mentioned as such in the Bible, but many times there are references to wine and strong drink and to drunkeness and to a merry heart.
145 references in the KJV Bible.
their can be a lot it depends what bible
Look in the back of the bible and see how many references there are.
There are 73 references to 'testimony' in the KJV Bible
Diverse, as in many. The Bible also references divers lanuguages. Many disesase.... many languages.
Vineyard appears 22 times in the KJV BIble
The Holy Bible has about thirty two references to tithing, seven of which are in the New Testament. The principle of tithing is giving to the Lord ten percent of your earnings as an offering.
The word "giving" appears in 122 verses of the NIV bible.
The Revelation chapter of the Bible scripture references the new species.
Alcohol is not mentioned as such in the Bible, but many times there are references to wine and strong drink and to drunkeness and to a merry heart.