You touch upon the question as to how the Gospel of Matthew is to be understood and interpreted, and the best we can say is that scholars disagree about this, as scholars will. Here is a sketch of one approach that aligns with your question. When we compare Matthew to the other gospels, it appears that Matthew is "the teaching Gospel" in which the author gathers together all the teachings of Jesus in 5 great discourses. These all can be summarized as being about the Kingdom of God as follows (1) The Law of the Kingdom (the Sermon on the Mount), chapter 5 (2) The duties of Kingdom leaders - chapter 10 (3) Parables of the Kingdom -13 (4) Greatness and Forgiveness in the Kingdom -18 (5) The coming of the King - 24 and 25
In Matthew 13:10-15 there is no parable, but Jesus's explanation to his disciples why he speaks in parable. A parable is as a two-edges sword, to those that have spiritual senses and understanding it will open an even deeper understanding, and those that have their spiritual senses dulled, will become even more confused. A parable can be a great way to illustrate deep spiritual truths by drawing parallels from nature and everyday situations that the audience is very familiar with, but most fail to see beyond the surface, what the story is really about.
There are 4 parables in Mark chapter 4. The Sower is discussed in detail in verses 3-8. The Seed is mentioned in verse 20. The Lamp in verse 21 (see also Luke 8:16 and Luke 11:33 ) is mentioned. The Grain Of Mustard Seed is found in verses 31-32 (see also Matthew13:31-32 and Luke 13:19 ).
In the new testament in the book of John chapter 13, there are a total of 38 verses in all.
There are many, one is Mark 5:8-10, another is Acts 19:13-15, others are Matthew 4:24, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 8:27-34, Matthew 9:32, Matthew 12:21-23, Matthew 17:13-19. Most of those have matching passages in the other three gospels.
There's 40 parables in the New Testament and Matthew has seven....ok..there's more...still looking...the seven I saw was in Matthew 13 Maybe I found them.... The Gospel of St. Matthew contains the following parables: Matthew 7: 24-27 Matthew 13: 3-23 Matthew 13: 24-30 Matthew 13: 31-32 Matthew 13: 33 Matthew 13: 44 Matthew 13: 45-46 Matthew 13: 47-50 Matthew 18: 12-14 Matthew 18: 23-35 Matthew 20: 1-16 Matthew 21: 28-32 Matthew 21: 33-44 Matthew 22: 1-14 Matthew 24: 32 Matthew 25: 1-13 Matthew 25: 14-30 The Wise and the Foolish Builders The Sower The Tares The Mustard Seed The Leaven The Hidden Treasure Pearl of Great Price Drawing in the Net The Lost Sheep Unmerciful Servant Laborers in the Vineyard The Two sons The Wicked Husbandman Marriage of the King's Son Leafing Fig Tree The Ten Virgins Ten Talents
Jesus' disciples asked Him the same question: Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came and said to Him, "Why do You speak to them in parables? In the following verses of chapter 13 Jesus explained the mysteries of the kingdom were revealed to those who wanted to hear. Many people did not really want to know about the kingdom of God but those with willing minds would understand.
Jesus told the parables in the bible.
Jesus gives the reason he spoke in parables in Matthew 13, Matthew 13:13-15 The reason I use parables in talking to them is that they look, but do not see, and they listen, but do not hear or understand. .......... ..................because their minds are dull, and they have stopped up their ears and have closed their eyes. Otherwise, their eyes would see, their ears would hear, their minds would understand, and they would turn to me, says God, and I would heal them.' So as a result of God's truth being hidden in parables many people heard but they did not understand and turned away from listening to what Jesus said.
In Matthew 13 there are six parables of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus told; which is a good place to start reading of the many stories of Jesus
There are parables used for teaching throughout the entire Bible, but Jesus, of course, taught by means of them in the new testament. A "parable" is an illustration, often a fictitious comparison with a moral(a spiritual meaning)that teaches a point. Jesus spoke often in parables, as was prophesied at Psalm 78:2 (Matthew 13:34+35)(Mark 4:33+34), because parables effectively reached the hearts of his listeners, drawing those who were seeking the truth(Matthew 13:9+36)(John 6:54, 60-66), and at the same time, confusing or discouraging those who weren't.(Matthew 22:15-21)(Matthew 9:11-13)(Matthew13:13-15). Here are a few examples: (Matthew 21:28+33; Luke 16:1+19)(Matthew 13:47-50)(Matthew 21:18-22) .
The Lord's Prayer can be found in the book of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 9-13.
No, usually it goes after the chapter like this Matthew 25: verses. If there is a separation between verses in the same chapter a comma is used like this Matthew 25:1-5, 13. If there are more that one chapter of a book then a semicolon is used like this Matthew 25:1-5; 13:1-3.
The parable of the mustard seed can be found in the book of Matthew, chapter 13.
The parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son are three parables that Jesus taught that are repeated in the scriptures. These parables highlight the themes of repentance, forgiveness, and God's unconditional love for all.
There are close to 50 parables in the Gospels. Here are 10 of them. The sower and the four types of soil (Matthew 13:1-23) The pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46) The lost sheep (Matthew 18:12-14) The unforgiving debtor (Matthew 18:21-35) The good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) The rich fool who died (Luke 15:11-32) The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) The obedient and disobedient sons (Matthew 21:28-32) The marriage feast to which no one came (Matthew 22:1-14) The money (talents) loaned for investment (Matthew 25:14:30)
You touch upon the question as to how the Gospel of Matthew is to be understood and interpreted, and the best we can say is that scholars disagree about this, as scholars will. Here is a sketch of one approach that aligns with your question. When we compare Matthew to the other gospels, it appears that Matthew is "the teaching Gospel" in which the author gathers together all the teachings of Jesus in 5 great discourses. These all can be summarized as being about the Kingdom of God as follows (1) The Law of the Kingdom (the Sermon on the Mount), chapter 5 (2) The duties of Kingdom leaders - chapter 10 (3) Parables of the Kingdom -13 (4) Greatness and Forgiveness in the Kingdom -18 (5) The coming of the King - 24 and 25