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3 or 2 depending on what year it is

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Q: How many more even numbered days are there in July than February?
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How many more even days in July than February?

February has 14 and July has 15. 28/2 and 30/2

Why are even numbered scales better to use than uneven numbered scales?

Zero, a useful number to have on the scales, will be present in the even numbered scales but not the odd numbered ones.

When do Nebraska's legislature meet and for how long?

They meet for 90working day in odd numbered years, and 60 working days in even numbered years. The 2010 Session was from Jan. 6- April 14, 2010.

What direction does the even numbered highways go?

Even numbered roads go east/west. Odd numbered roads go north/south.

How many days are there in Junes?

There are 30 days in June.---One version of a popular mnemonic rhyme is :"30 days hath September,April, June, and November.All the rest have 31,Save with 28 just one :And in leap years that's the time,February has 29."Months that do not have 31 days are numbered 2, 4, 6, 9, and 11.Months with 31 days are the first four odd months and the last three even many days in june There are 30 days in the month of June.There are 30 days in June.

April June August?

These are months 4,6 and 8 The full set of even numbered months would be * February * April * June * August * October * December

How many days are there in July?

31 Days. The first 5 odd months, and the last 3 even months, have 31 days.

How long does a Georgia legislative session last?

Short sessions which follow every even numbered year is 6 weeks.Long sessions which follow every odd numbered year is 6 months.

How long it takes a insurance license to expire?

If you were born in an even numbered year, your license will expire on your birthday in an even numbered year. If you were born in an odd numbered year, your license will expire on your birthday in an odd numbered year.

How are US highways numbered?

East-to-west direction highways are even-numbered while north-south are odd-numbered.

How many days old would you be February 8 1941?

None. I was not even born then!

How many even numbered house on a street with houses numbered 1 to 37?