eight, he shuts off rain from heaven, kept the flour and oil supply of the widow of Zarephath renewed, resurrected the widow's son, had fire fall form heaven in answer to prayer, had rain break the drought in answer to prayer, calling down fire on King Ahaziah's captain and his 50 men, called down fire on a second captain and his 50, and parted the Jordan River by smiting it with his official garment.
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Multiplying the oil and flour, healing of Nahman, raising the the widows son, defeating Baal, , being fed by ravens.
He has done 8 miracles
About 121. There are also many unnamed miracles done by the apostles before and after Jesus' resurrection.
There are two syllables
11 miracle
The Bible records about 13 miracles for the prophet Elijah and about 16 miracles for the prophet Elisha. Their miracles included acts such as raising the dead, multiplying food, and controlling the elements.
Elisha, he saw Elijah taken up in a chariot of fire, Elijah's mantle fell to the ground & Elisha put it on. Elijah told Elisha that if he saw him ascend, he would have a double portion of Elijah's annointing, so Elisha didn't let him out of his sight.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallal la ho wa a'alihi wasallam performed many miracles. On the demand of the Non-believers the pebbles in his hand recited Kalmah. On demand he broke the Moon into two halves.Many times in his life a small quantity of water and food proved sufficient for many Companions.
A:The Bible says that Elisha performed quite a few miracles, including feeding 100 men with just 20 loaves, and healing a leper. In an episode remarkably like one earlier attributed to Elijah, Elisha made a pot of oil into one that never emptied, no matter how much was poured from it (2 Kings 4:3-7). Later, just as the woman friend in whose home Elijah was staying had accused Elijah of bringing evil that caused the death of her son, so a woman friend in whose home Elisha often stayed, accused him of deceiving her, after her son had died. And just as Elijah lay on top of the son to revive him, so Elisha lay on top of the other son to revive him (2 Kings 4:28-35). These episodes seem to be a retelling, in a slightly different context, of the stories already told about Elijah. A problem arises when stories of miracles appear to be the retelling of stories attributing miracles to an earlier prophet. If this means that these were not really miracles, then how do we know if any of the other miracles attributed to Elisha were genuine? The answer may be that these are simply theological stories, and that Elisha never performed any miracles.
Multiplying the oil and flour, healing of Nahman, raising the the widows son, defeating Baal, , being fed by ravens.
Elijah Cummings has 3 children
Elijah Muhammad has 23 children
Elijah Cummings has 3 children
Elijah Muhammad has 23 children
There is many miracles , but the greatest miracle is The Quran
9 miracles