You can't really know exactly how many people wrote the Bible, but it was probabily about 40, becausesome people wrote more than 1 book of the Bible.
The Bible is a collection of stories by many authors.
There is not even one female author in the Bible.
Many of the authors of parts of the bible are unknown. Therefore their occupations are not known.
You can't really know exactly how many people wrote the Bible, but it was probabily about 40, becausesome people wrote more than 1 book of the Bible.
The Bible is a collection of stories by many authors.
There is not even one female author in the Bible.
Many conservative Christians believe that The Bible was dictated by God to the various authors and is therefore wholly infallible. Throughout the Middle Ages, it was taken for granted that God 'wrote' the Bible by dictating it directly to the human authors whose names are attached to the various books of the Bible. A common picture at the beginning of copies of the Gospel is of the evangelist sitting and writing his Gospel with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, with its beak in his ear, dictating the text. As medieval scholars began reading the Bible more critically, they faced the question whether the human authors of Scripture had not perhaps made at least some human, and therefore fallible, contribution.
Quentin Blake is primarily an illustrator and has not written books himself. He is best known for illustrating books by authors such as Roald Dahl.
Many of the authors of parts of the bible are unknown. Therefore their occupations are not known.
there re many authors but most importantly that GOD inspiired them to wirte it and each was at diff point of views
Many authors collaborate and write books together.
There are many authors who have released books providing their personal commentary on the Bible. Notable names include Oral Roberts and Warren Wiersbe.
There are many authors who wrote the old and new testament through out the history of the world, ultimately the Christian God is the author of the Bible..
Writers write about what is interesting to them. The world of science and technology are fascinating worlds, and many authors like to write about new ideas and concepts.