June = 30 days April = 30 days May = 31 days Total 91 days.
181 days, in leap year 182.
61 altogether in June and July 31 +30 61
June = 30 days April = 30 days May = 31 days Total 91 days.
30 * 4 = 120 days
181 days, in leap year 182.
61 altogether in June and July 31 +30 61
May and July have 31 days each. June has 30 days. Altogether, the three months have 92 days (13 weeks and one day).
48 days.
March has 31 days, April has 30 days, May has 31 days and June has 30 days. Together that is a total of 122 days.
There were 59 days between April 20, 1973 and June 18, 1973.