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The King James Bible (KJV) Bible is divided into two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The entire Protestant Bible is made up of 66 books from Genesis to Revelation.

Old Testament

The first five books of the Bible are known as the Pentateuch (or Torah from Hebrew scriptures). "Penta" meaning "5" and "teuch" meaning book(s).

  • Genesis
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy

Followed by:

  • Joshua
  • Judges
  • Ruth
  • 1 Samuel
  • 2 Samuel
  • 1 Kings
  • 2 Kings
  • 1 Chronicles
  • 2 Chronicles
  • Ezra
  • Nehemiah
  • Esther
  • Job
  • Psalms
  • Proverbs
  • Ecclesiastes,
  • Song of Solomon
  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah
  • Lamentations
  • Ezekiel
  • Daniel
  • Hosea
  • Joel
  • Amos
  • Obadiah
  • Jonah
  • Micah
  • Nahum
  • Habakkuk
  • Zephaniah
  • Haggai
  • Zechariah
  • Malachi

New Testament

  • Matthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • John
  • Acts
  • Romans
  • 1 Corinthians
  • 2 Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • Philippians
  • Colossians
  • 1 Thessalonians
  • 2 Thessalonians
  • 1 Timothy
  • 2 Timothy
  • Titus
  • Philemon
  • Hebrews
  • James
  • 1 Peter
  • 2 Peter
  • 1 John
  • 2 John
  • 3 John
  • Jude
  • Revelation


The original 1611 King James Bible included an Apocrypha section which included the deuterocanonical books (Judith, Tolbit, Maccabees, etc.) that are in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bibles, but have since been removed from Protestant Bibles. There is a long-standing debate between Catholics and Protestants on the inclusion of these books in the Bible.

These books are

  • 1 Esdras (Vulgate 3 Esdras)
  • 2 Esdras (Vulgate 4 Esdras)
  • Tobit
  • Judith ("Judeth" in Geneva)
  • Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4 - 16:24)
  • Wisdom
  • Ecclesiasticus (also known as Sirach)
  • Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy ("Jeremiah" in Geneva) (all part of Vulgate Baruch)
  • Song of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24-90)
  • Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13)
  • The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14)
  • Prayer of Manasses (Daniel)
  • 1 Maccabees
  • 2 Maccabees
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Q: How many books are in the King James Bible?
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39 in the King James version

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In the King James version there are 66 books and a total of 1189 chapters.

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Sixty-six books are in the Bible.

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Methodists use the standard 'Protestant' Bible - King James Version, etc - which has 66 books within.

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There are 14 books considered apocryphal in the King James Version of the Bible. These books are not included in the Protestant canon but are included in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons.

How many books are in the original King James Bible published in 1611?

The King James Version is a protestant bible, and therefore includes 66 books. The KJV originally also included the apocrypha but the translators did not consider them to be the word of God.

How many total books are in the bible and its two main divisions?

There are 66 books in the King James Bible and it is divided into to sections, The Old Testament and The New Testament.

How many books of the Bible are left out of the King James Version compared to the Latin Vulgate?

The 7 Apocryphal books of the Old Testament.

How many chapters and verses are in all the books of the Bible?

There are 66 Books of the Bible which include 1189 Chapters and 31173 verses and 773,746 words (King James Version)