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The Baptist (protestant) bible consists of 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books, for a total of 66 books.


Books written by Moses

1. Genesis

2. Exodus

3. Leviticus

4. Numbers

5. Deuteronomy


6. Joshua

7. Judges

8. Ruth

9. 1 Samuel

10. 2 Samuel

11. 1 Kings

12. 2 Kings

13. 1 Chronicles

14. 2 Chronicles

15. Ezra

16. Nehemiah

17. Esther

Books of Wisdom

18. Job

19. Psalms

20. Proverbs

21. Ecclesiastes

22. Song of Songs

Major Prophets

23. Isaiah

24. Jeremiah

25. Lamentations

26. Ezekiel

27. Daniel

Minor Prophets

28. Hosea

29. Joel

30. Amos

31. Obadiah

32. Jonah

33. Micah

34. Nahum

35. Habakkuk

36. Zephaniah

37. Haggai

38. Zechariah

39. Malachi



40. Matthew

41. Mark

42. Luke

43. John


44. Acts

Epistles by Paul

45. Romans

46. 1 Corinthians

47. 2 Corinthians

48. Galatians

49. Ephesians

50. Philippians

51. Colossians

52. 1 Thessalonians

53. 2 Thessalonians

54. 1 Timothy

55. 2 Timothy

56. Titus

57. Philemon

General Epistles

58. Hebrews

59. James

60. 1 Peter

61. 2 Peter

62. 1 John

63. 2 John

64. 3 John

65. Jude

Apocalyptic Epistle

66. Revelation

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They don't. It says The Gospel According to John. John the Baptist did not author any books in the Bible.

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John the Baptist was not one of the writers of the New Testament. The fourth gospel is ascribed to the Apostle John and so is the book of Revelation or Apocalypse. John the apostle however is a different person than John the baptist.

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Yes, they are different. The Baptist bible, or any other bible that isn't catholic for that matter, has only 66 books. The Catholic bibble has many more books. These additional books, not found in your regular bible, are called the Apocryphal. These book are said to have more historical value.

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There are 66 books of the bible.

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There are 66 books within the bible.

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The word Baptist is indicated in biblical text 15 times, all in relation to John the Baptist.

How many books are in a Bible?

If you are asking how many books are in the bible there are 66 books. I believe 39 in the old and 27 in the new or it could be vice versa66 Books are in the Bible...

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There are 66 books in the Christian Bible.

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There are 66 books in the Christian Bible.