Mark, the first gospel to be written, divided the last twenty four hours up into eight periods of exactly three hours each. So, after the traditional three-hour Passover meal, followed by singing a hymn, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemene, where he stayed three hours. Three times, at each hour, he returned to the disciples and demanded why they could not stay awake for just one hour. Then, when it was midnight, the darkest hour, Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
In Matthew 26verses 40 and 41, speaks of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and as Jesus prays peter and the two sons of zebedee sleep.Jesus says could you not stay awake one hour?Stay awake and pray you want fall into temptation. AsPeter denied Jesus later.
Jesus felt that He was praying by Himself. He was with a few of His apostles but He asked them to stay back and He went to pray by himself. Then when He returned to His apostles He found them sleeping. So, He was praying by himself.
Not in Ruth Here they are you count them. Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He who died, Heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! loves me still, When I'm very weak and ill; From His shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He will stay, Close beside me all the way; He's prepared a home for me, And some day His face I'll see. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
i think as long as he is sweet to children he should stay all the time
Everyone who had ever been born has committed sins, except for Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus, who is God in the flesh, came down from Heaven to earth, to redeem mankind. Jesus lived a life without sin and took the punishment for us the cross. So, you could say that He switched places with us. He took our sin and punishment and He gives His righteousness to those who put their faith and trust in Him. If you die in you sins, then you go to hell, you don't stay on earth. At the end of time, God will destroy the earth and build a new Heaven and new earth for those who have trusted in Jesus to take away their sins and will live forever with God. Those who have rejected Jesus have chosen to die forever without God, which is hell. God doesn't send people to hell, but people choose hell over His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no can come to the Father in Heaven except through Jesus. No one.
In Matthew 26verses 40 and 41, speaks of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and as Jesus prays peter and the two sons of zebedee sleep.Jesus says could you not stay awake one hour?Stay awake and pray you want fall into temptation. AsPeter denied Jesus later.
Jesus took the eleven disciples to the place called Gethsemane and told them to sit, but then He took Peter, James and John a little further and told them to, "Stay here and watch with Me". Then going a little further He knelt very close to the ground and prayed to the Father in heaven. (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14: 32-42; Luke 22:39-46).
The Bible mentions a serpent in the Garden of Eden but not in the Garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane was where Jesus was praying shortly before he was arrested. Many believe that Satan's hour is 3am. There are many personal beliefs that I have to believe that Jesus was literally fighting off Satan's temptations to join his evil plan and make the Son of God disobey and sin against His father. The Bible says that Jesus was sweating blood and that the disciples couldn't stay awake. The Bible also says that Jesus prayed for an hour (let's say 3am) came to check on them and prayed for another hour before he was led away by Judas and the officers that arrested him. Around this hour the cock crowed which a rooster would normally crow right before the sun comes up. Many people ask why Jesus was praying and that He wanted to get out of dying on the cross for all mankind's sin, but my personal belief is that He was spiritually fighting off Satan and all his demons at this point in time therefore there was a serpent in the garden of gethsemane; the same serpent that was in the garden of eden, Satan himself.
they will be dead
No one knows, because there is a strong chance that Jesus was never resurrected at all.
The night vigil on Maundy Thursday was the beginning of Jesus' passion. Jesus and the Diciples has already had the Last Supper, and frankly the Disciples were full and content. Jesus asked the Disciples to stay up and watch while he went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Jesus was very distressed because he knew he was going to be crucified, and he knew what a painful death that was going to be. He asked only that the Disciples stay up and "watch" with him. He needed support, friendship, love. And he got none of those. Their failure is ours -- they fell asleep. Hence Jesus' famous saying: "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." You can't really blame the Disciples, they just wanted a warm bed and some sleep. Jesus knew otherwise, and that is the symbolic act. At Jesus' most dire hour -- when he could have said no to crucifixion, but chose to say yes, where were the Disciples? Asleep. Just like us.
The Gospels mention Jesus accompanying His parents to Egypt when He was a child. They mention Him transiting Samaria. However, the Gospels nowhere mention Jesus in Babylon.
Satan was not present in the Garden of Gethsemane during Jesus' prayer. It was actually Judas Iscariot, accompanied by a crowd, who came to betray Jesus. Judas identified Jesus with a kiss, leading to Jesus' arrest.
"GETHSEMANE" They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here while I pray." He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," he said to them. "Stay here and keep watch." Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Simon," he said to Peter, "are you asleep? Couldn't you keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Once more he went away and prayed the same thing. When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to him. Returning the third time, he said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!" Just as he was speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, appeared. With him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders. (Mark 14:32-43 NIV)
Jesus stayed on earth in flesh and blood for 33 years, out of this he did his work for only three and a half years only.
DO NO INHALE OXYCODONE! You aught to not smoke it, Jesus Christ!
The song is about Jesus' last night before being captures and crucified. He spent this night in the garden of Garden of Gethsemane which lies at the foot of the Mount of Olives, a mountain ridge to the east of Jerusalem, named for the olive groves on its slopes.thus the song:'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browThe star is dimmed that lately shone:'Tis midnight; in the garden nowThe suffering Saviour prays alone.Translated means:It is midnight and on the brow of the hill which forms the mount of OlivesThe savior who was recently welcomed into Jerusalem as a star is now alone and unwelcomeIt is midnight and in the garden of GethsemaneJesus prays alone (all his friends have fallen asleep even though he asked them to stay awake with him).I hope this helps :-)