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Most biblical scholars accept that the Gospel According to St Mark was the first written of the four canonical Gospels. Mark's Gospel was written in Greek, and there is ample evidence that Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel were based on Mark's Gospel. St John's Gospel appears to have been based on Luke's Gospel, but the author clearly also knew Mark's Gospel and copied some material from it. Ian Wilson (Jesus: The Evidence) says that it can come as a shock to discover that no-one can even be sure who wrote the gospels. Nevertheless much scholarly study has gone into establishing approximately when they were written.

Mark's Gospel was written in the late 60s or very early in the 70s CE, thus around 40 years after the most commonly accepted dates for the death of Jesus.

Matthew's Gospel was written after Mark's, but before Luke's Gospel. It is generally considered to have been written in the 80s CE. This means that it was probably written more than 50 years after the death of Jesus.

Luke's Gospel is generally considered to have been written in the 90s CE, but could well be from early in the second century. It comes some 70 years after the death of Jesus, and long after all his contemporaries were dead.

John's Gospel is generally considered to have been written a little after Luke, and a date early in the second century is probable. Once again, this Gospel is dated more than 70 years after the generally accepted date of the crucifixion.

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Q: How long after Jesus' death were the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John written?
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How many of the Gospels tell the story of Jesus' death and sufferings?

Although told from different points of view, all four of the gospels tell of Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection.

What books of the Bible are considered Gospels?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the New Testament books of the Bible referred to as the Gospels, which is translated from the Greek word euangelion, meaning "good news". This word denotes the good news proclaimed by Jesus Christ, or the good news about Jesus. The Gospels are stories of Jesus and many of the works and miracles He performed. There are eye witness accounts of the ministry of Christ. These stories reveal the truth about His birth, death and resurrection. There are also accounts of the miracles and many quotations of Jesus during His earthly ministry.

What should you know about Matthew's Gospel?

A:If you are a passive Christian, you need know nothing about Matthew's Gospel, other than the contents of the Gospel, which are in any case largely to be found in other gospels. If you wish to be reassured whether or to what extent the gospels are a true account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, then you may need to know more about how, when and why Matthew was written, and by whom. You will also need to know what sources the author used.Most Christians still believe that Matthew's Gospel was actually written by the apostle Matthew, an eyewitness to the life and mission of Jesus, thereby making this gospel a particularly accurate account. However, the Gospel was actually written anonymously around the eighties of the first century, so we have no signature to tell us who wrote this gospel. The only reason to believe that Matthew was the author is that the second-century Church Fathers decided to attribute this book to Matthew. However, modern scholars say that Matthew's Gospel could not have been written by an eyewitness to the events portrayed, so eliminating Matthew as a possible author. We know approximately when Matthew was written, but do not know who wrote the book.Matthew is known as a synoptic ('seen with the same eye') gospel because when placed alongside Mark and Luke in the original Greek language, thereby 'seen with the same eye', it can be shown that there is a literary dependency among the gospels. Matthew was clearly copied from Mark, and contains some 600 of the 666 verses in Mark. This dependency not only means that the author could not have been an eyewitness, it also means that we do not have any independent accounts that would verify the original story of Jesus, in Mark.

How long after the death of Jesus were the gospels written?

The Gospel of Mark is now known to have been the first New Testament gospel to have been written, so the answer lies in establishing the approximate date when Mark was written. As all the gospels were originally anonymous and as scholars say it is unlikely that any of the gospels were actually written by eyewitnesses to the mission of Jesus, their authorship did not necessarily take place within a lifetime of Jesus' death on the cross.There is some evidence that the author of Mark knew Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, evidence that probably places the first gospel later than the fifties. Partly because of reference to the Roman-Jewish War of 66-73 CE, most scholars now say that Mark's Gospel was written approximately 70 CE. Jesus is then reported as prophesying that he would return on clouds of glory within the lifetimes of his disciples, a prophecy that did not come true. Since it is not possible for Jesus to prophesy something that is not true, this second prophecy was actually an authorial addition. The two prophecies are linked, so if one is an authorial addition, then both are authorial additions. The author was writing at the time of the War, and therefore around 70 CE. The gospels now known as the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John followed over the ensuing decades, substantially based on the content of Mark's Gospel.

Was the same john who wrote revelation baptized jesus?

No. John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod before Jesus was crucified & even before the book of Revelation was written. The accounr of John the Baptist's death is found in Matthew 14:1-12.

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