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Based on accounts in the Gospel, it is estimated that Jesus walked 3,125 miles during the 3 years of his ministry. The total number of miles he walked in his earthly lifetime is estimated to be 21,525 miles.

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Q: How far did Jesus walk during his ministry?
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How far estimated did Jesus walk in his life?

There would no records of that kept, so it is impossible to know or even estimate.

How far did Jesus walk?

This is not recorded in the Bible, nor anywhere else. Walking was his primary means of moving - only rarely is he mentioned as having been on a beast or in a boat.

How far did Jesus' ministry face conflicts?

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Was Luke an apostle?

Assuming you are talking about the one from the Bible and not the one from Starwars, he was not one of the original 12 apostles. He was never mentioned as an apostle in the bible. I believe that a number of the apostle had trouble writing or were too busy preaching to write so they had other people record the ministry of Jesus for them. Luke recorded the ministry. The apostles lived it. I think Luke's role shows us that anyone can be useful to God. He didn't have to be an apostle to make an impact to the world. The apostle were being taught to preach about Jesus' life and resurrection. They were told to continue doing the miracles that Jesus had been doing during his ministry. They were also told that they would suffer and be perscuted like Jesus. I think it was for Luke's sake that he was not an original apostle but his part is just as important. He wrote about Jesus so that we can accurately read about it in the bible today.

How far is it if you walk for 55 minutes?

Depends on how fast you walk.