

Best Answer

There are five syllables. Ir-re-sist-a-ble.

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Q: How do you write the word irresistible into syllables?
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How many syllables does irresistible have?

ir-re-sis-ti-ble, five syllables.

How many syllables in irresistable?

Irresistible has five syllables. Ir/re/sis/ti/ble

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The word write has got one syllable.

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There are two syllables. Writ-ten.

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How do you say irresistible in french?

Same word: irresistible.

What is a sentence for the word irresistible?

The pie was delicious and irresistible.

What part of speech is irresistible?

The word "irresistible" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that is impossible to resist or refuse.

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How do you write a syllable word?

You separate the syllables with a hyphen.