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You can read Braille wiith your fingertips. It is a method of reading using touch instead of eyesight. It's mainly used by people with impaired vision, but people who can see can also learn to read Braille. A Braille cell has 1 to 6 raised dots. You can read by feeling these dots, along with the empty spaces.
You lightly run your fingertips over the patterned dots.

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Q: How do you read the Braille alphabet?
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What is the alphabet code for the desert ruins in Pokemon emerald?

The alphabet code use in the Desert ruins in Pokemon Emerald is Braille. Braille is a alphabet system printed in raised bumps for the blind to read. Braille is easy to translate when using a Braille alphabet sheet.

Why did Louis Braille invent his alphabet?

Braille invented the raised dot alphabet to give blind people the ability to read by touch.

How do you read the Braille messages in Pokemon emerald?

There are lots of braille messages to be found in Pokemon Emerald. To read them, you can simply look up the braille alphabet.

Why was the braille alphabet invented?

braille alphebet was invented for blind people to touch and read everything

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You can find things written in Braille in the ancient ruins in the Pokemon games. To read it, you can simply look up the Braille alphabet.

Pokemon emerald how to read doted language?

The dotted language in Pokemon Emerald is Braille. Braille is an alphabet of raised bumps or dots than can be read by the blind via touch. The Braille can be easily translated using a printed Braille Alphabet sheet as it perfectly translates into English.

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The braille alphabet

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A person can read the braille in the Secret Chambers in Pokemon Sapphire by translating the braille to the corresponding letters of the alphabet. A person will be required to dig to reach the appropriate area of the chamber.

How do you learn the Braille alphabet in Pokemon Emerald?

get a dictionary with an abc alphabet of braille codes

What is the alphabet for the blind represented by raised dots?

Braille Braille are those raised dots like the ones you might see over the bathroom signs in schools... It is how blond people can read. So yeah that is their alphabet

Who created the braille language?

The Braille language was created by Louis Braille, a Frenchman who was blind himself. He developed the system in the early 19th century as a way for people with visual impairments to read and write.

How do you call the alphabet of the blind people?

The Braille alphabet. The blind are able to feel the bumps for each letter.