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Brass. One brass is 100 square feet (9.29 m2) area (used in measurement of work done or to be done, such as plastering, painting, etc.). It is also equal, however, to 100 cubic feet (2.83 m3) of estimated or supplied loose material, such as sand, gravel, rubble, etc.
Assume if the size of the truck holder is length (L), width (W), and 3ft. in depth(D), at that point the volume of the holder = LWD = 14ft7ft3ft = 294 cubic ft.
Presently, 1 metal = 100 cubic ft. Thus, changing over the cubic ft. into metal for example 294/100 = 2.94 metal.
At the point when the truck of above compartment size supplies the sand up to the edge, at that point we measure it as 2.94 metal of sand.
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Metal is a non-standard unit that is as yet predominant in India with a background marked by 200 years or something like that. The word metal is utilized as an estimation unit, that addresses the various of 100 for both the volume and the zone in the British framework.
Presently let us go through, a portion of the FAQ identified with the term metal in the common field.
The term metal methods 100 cubic feet when we figure the volume of any structure materials in the development field, and it is additionally identical to 100 square feet when we gauge the surface region.
At the point when the structure materials like sand, metals, muroom, rocks, and so on are welcomed on the building site by trucks, unloaders, farm haulers, or any such vehicles, we signify the volume by the word metal.
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1 brass means simply 100cuft eg. 10′ × 10′ × 1′ for 3D quantity sand,aggregate, stone, soil etc 1 brass sand = 100 cubic foot of sand 1 brass sand =4528 kg 1 cum sand wt. = 1600 kg 1 brass = 2.83 cum wt. of sand in 1 brass = 4528 kg ( 1600*2.83 ) Hope this is helpful to you…
The weight of one cubic meter of sand is 1630kg. (approx.) 1 brass = 2.831cubic meter (we calculated above). So, the weight of 1 brass of sand = 1630*2.831= 4615kg.
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1 brass sand = 4.528 Metric tones (tonnes) That's because 1 brass = 100 cub ft sand. In metric, 1 cubic meter (cum) = 1600 Kg sand. 1 cubft = 0.0283 cum Therefore, 1 brass = 100 x 0.0283 x 1600 = 4528 Kg = 4.528 metric tones (or 'tonnes') That's for dry sand. If it has been raining or the sand is taken from a wet shore, this increases, on average, to 5.09 tonne.
5000 square feet is a measure of area - whether in brass or anything else. The area can be in a variety of shapes and calculating it will depend on that shape.
With a calculator
cfm=.32X(aXb)Xface velocity/144 a= width b=length
Depending on context the plural form of brass can be brass or brasses.