How you write 'my birthday' in Roman numerals depends on the date of your birthday.
Convert the day, the month and the year separately. For example, 24th June 2012 is XXIV. VI. MMXII.
The birthday 10-15-1997 is X-XV-MCMXCVII in roman numerals.
The birthday of February 24th, 1986 written in roman numerals is: II/XXIV/MCMLXXXVI
The birthday 10 12 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.
How you write 'my birthday' in Roman numerals depends on the date of your birthday.
Convert from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, add, convert back to Roman numerals.
Convert the day, the month and the year separately. For example, 24th June 2012 is XXIV. VI. MMXII.
1100 in Roman numerals is MC and 1135 in Roman numerals is MCXXXV
The birthday 21-04-1989 in Roman numerals would be XXI.IV.MCMLXXXIX
The birthday 10-15-1997 is X-XV-MCMXCVII in roman numerals.
In todays notation of Roman numerals: VI-XIX-MCMLXXXV
The birthday of February 24th, 1986 written in roman numerals is: II/XXIV/MCMLXXXVI
The birthday 10 12 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.