Three times (1 Samuel ch.3).See also:More about Samuel
No. In Hebrew, Eli is the name of a god, but the god of the Canaanites. Eli was a common name at that time.
There is no book called "Eli" in the Bible. But the priest Eli was mentioned in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel.
There is no mention of a wife for Eli the high priest.
It is estimated that the biblical prophet Ezekiel died about 570 BC. He prophesied many calamities in a book of the Bible that bears his name.
The prophet Elisha
Eli Heckscher died in 1952.
Eli Fuchs died in 1992.
Eli Thayer died in 1899.
Eli Mohar died in 2006.
Eli Perry died in 1881.
Eli Ginzberg died in 2002.
Eli Siegel died in 1978.
Eli Postin died in 1991.
Eli Segal died in 2006.
Eli Small died in 1837.
Eli Marozzi died in 1999.