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He entered by walking in.

During the Yom Kippur service in the Holy Temple, the Kohen Gadol entered the Kodesh Kodashim (Holy of Holies) several times, to sprinkle the blood of the goat and the bull, to offer up the incense, and (later the same day) to remove the incense-burner. For more detail, see Leviticus ch.16.

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Q: How did the High Priest enter the Holy of Holies?
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Does the Bible mention anything about holy water?

The bible does mention holy water once in the scriptures. It is found in the King James Version Bible in Numbers chapter 5 and verse 17. "And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:"

What did Jesus Christ reveal to us about the mystery of the Father?

In the Old Testament, the Jews didn't really have access to God the Father. Once a year, the high priest would get to go into the Holy of Holies, the most inner sanctuary of the temple. No one else could go in on pain of death. To the Old Testament Jews, 'God' must have felt like a taskmaster - inaccessible; extremely stern and just. However, Jesus is God in flesh, he was human, he went through trials. He got hungry, cold, sick, sad, and felt all human emotions. As hard as it is for us to understand, he was God and Man in one. He was loving and merciful; he hung out with the lowest of the low; he wasn't to proud to be with the poor and 'sinners' as the Pharisees called them.

What are the sources of information?

Documentary Sources- books, journals,magazines of any format Institutional Sources- school /colleges, govt. offices, NGOs Human sources- Govt. official, elite group,religious/holy priest Virtual sources- web sources

How many times is the word eternity used in the Bible?

In the King James versionthe word - eternity - appears onceIsa 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

What is the Comforter in The Bible?

The Comforter is the Holy Ghost. Spoken of by Jesus in John 14. The power promised to the Apostles who were to tarry in Jerusalem until they were emdued with power from on high

Related questions

Who went into the holy of holies in the temple in Jerusalem?

There hasn't been a temple in Jerusalem for 1932 years. When it did exist and was the central focus of the Jewish religion and culture, the single individual to ever enter the Holy of Holies was the Kohen Gadol ("high priest"), and he did so exactly one time in the year ... as a part of the service on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

What is the one day of the year the high priest could approach the Presence of the Lord?

The high priest could only enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Are there any references about priests in bible?

In the Old Testament the Israelites are given specific instructions on their way of worship. One of these rules is that only the priests could enter the Holy Ground and only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies where God was.

What happens if the High priest dies in the most holy how does he get out?

they would tie a rope around his wast so if he dies in the Temple they can pull him out In the Second Temple period, some people who were unfit took the position of High Priest. When they entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, they died, since they lacked the ability to handle the spiritual power of that place. The other priests had to devise a plan to pull the dead body out, since no one other than the High Priest was allowed to enter in the Holy of Holies. So they tied a golden rope to the High Priest's leg when he entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur. Those waiting outside the Holy of Holies would listen for the bells on the bottom of the High Priest's robe, to see if he was still alive. (sources: Zohar - Acharei Mot 67a, Emor 102a; Talmud - Yoma 53b; Me'am Loaz; Arbanel - Exodus 28:33)

Why did the high priest carry incense into the holy of holies?

Because God commanded it (Leviticus ch.16). It was an act of atonement (ibid).

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Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.

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When not officiating the High Priest wore a coat, breeches, girdle, and a cap. When officiating he wore a breastplate, the ephod, the girdle (this one bound the ephod to the body), the miter (this replaced the cap, underneath these he wore his breeches and coat).

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A vestment worn by ancient Hebrew priests.It is something the Jewish High Priest wore when going into the Holy of Holies in the Temple of the Lord.There is an occasion that the High Priest was wearing the Ephod to inquire of the Lord for King David.

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What is the meaning of holy of holies?

The Holy of Holies refers to the place in the Ancient Jewish Temple where it is believed that God actually resided. No one was allowed to enter this place (covered with a huge curtain) except the High Priest of the Temple. He was only allowed (by God) to "enter in" to that place once per year. When he DID go in, the other priests wrapped a rope around his waist, so that if something happened to him while in there (ie: heart attack, whatever), they could pull him back out, as no one else was ALLOWED to enter for any reason.

What was in the holy of holies?

The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Holy of Holies.

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To burn incense on Yom Kippur in the Holy of Holies, as a sign of adoration and petition to God