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In the first creation story in Genesis (verses 1:1-2:4a), God created man (both male and female) after creating all other living things, simply by speaking them into existence (Genesis 1:26-27).

In the second creation story in Genesis (verses 2:4b-20), God created man (Adam) out of moist earth, before he created any other living thing; He created Eve out of Adam's rib (or his side, on a truer translation of the Hebrew text), after all other living things.

In neither story does God actually create the world itself. Many experts in Hebrew have carefully examined the texts and confirm that this is not what they say. The biblical creations were not ex nihilo (out of nothing), and the world itself already existed. Scholars say the concept of creation being ex nihilo began around the second century CE.

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First, God created the universe and everything in it in stages. Toward the end of this, God created mankind.On day 1: God created the universe in general, light, and this Earth.

On day 2: God created the separation between the Earth and the upper atmosphere.

On day 3: God separated the continents from the oceans, and created plants.

On day 4: God created the sun, moon, and stars.

On day 5: God created birds and fish.

On day 6: God created animals and people; Adam from earth, then Eve from Adam (Genesis ch.2).

On day 7: God ceased, thereby creating the concept of rest.

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According to tradition, there is only one Genesis creation-narrative, with ch.2 serving as an expansion of the brevity of ch.1, not a separate set of events (Rashi commentary, Gen.2:8).

While Judaism has always seen the Torah as an intricate tapestry that nonetheless had one Divine source, some modern authors such as Wellhausen (the father of modern Biblical-criticism, 1844-1918) have suggested artificially chopping up the narrative and attributing it to various authors, despite the Torah's explicit statement as to its provenance (Exodus 24:12, Deuteronomy 31:24).

No fragments have ever been found that would support his Documentary Hypothesis, which remains nothing more than an arbitrary claim: Christian author)

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Q: How did God make us all and create the world?
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