In the NIV, there is only one mention of the word "princess", but there are "Daughters of kings elsewhere".Psalm 45 mentions a princess.In 2 Kings 11, Jehosheba is a princess.Go onto a bible search site and type in "Michal". She was the daughter of King Saul, therefore making her a princess.Daniel 11:6 talks about a daughter of a kingGo to a bible search site and type in "Daughter of King", and you will find many good verses.
No, King James was the English king who had the bible translated from latin to english... hence, the King James' version of the bible.
The Bible's Jezebel, wife of Ahab the king of north Israel, had three children (two sons and a daughter).
It is recorded in the first chapter of the book of Hosea that Hosea had three children from Gomer the daughter of Diblaim. He had two sons, Jezreel and Loammi and a daughter, Loruhamah.
No, James VI was Mary I, Queen of Scotland's son who became James 1 of England and commissioned the King James Version of the Bible. Mary I of England was the daughter of Henry VIII and was known as 'Bloody Mary.'
It is not in the Bible. In Greek mythology, Electra was the daughter of King Agamemnon as Electra or Elektra is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles.
Electra is a character in Greek mythology (the daughter of King Agamemnon). There is nobody of that name in the Bible.
In Greek mythology, Electra was the name of a human princess, the daughter of King Agamemnon. She was not a goddess.
Electra, the Oceanid or cloud nymph wife of Thaumas (wonders of the sea) and mother of Isis the rainbow. Electra, the daughter of Atlas and mother of Dardanos/Iasion by Zeus; a mountain nymph of Mount Saon on the island of Samothrake in the Greek Aegean. Also fostered Harmonia, the daughter of Aphrodite. Electra, mortal daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. Electra, one of the Danaids, daughter of Danaus and Polyxo. She married (and murdered) Peristhenes, son of Aegyptus and Caliadne.
In Greek mythology, Electra was not a goddess, but rather a mortal woman. She was the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. According to the myth, Electra lived to be a mature adult and did not have a specified age at the time of her death.
The Greek myth of Electra tells the story of a daughter seeking revenge for her father's murder by her mother and her mother's lover. Electra plays a key role in avenging her father's death and restoring justice to her family. This tragic tale has been the subject of various literary works and adaptations.
flhtc is Harley code for electra glide classic flht is electra glide standard flhtcu is electra glide ultra classic flhr is road king flhrc is road king classic
King Agamemnon
Yes, King Nebuchadnezzar had several children, including Belshazzar who is mentioned in the Bible's Book of Daniel.
The standard Christian Bible does not identify Ahab and Jezebel as siblings.Ahab was a Jewish king. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, a Sidonian king. Therefore, they weren't brother and sister.
In the NIV, there is only one mention of the word "princess", but there are "Daughters of kings elsewhere".Psalm 45 mentions a princess.In 2 Kings 11, Jehosheba is a princess.Go onto a bible search site and type in "Michal". She was the daughter of King Saul, therefore making her a princess.Daniel 11:6 talks about a daughter of a kingGo to a bible search site and type in "Daughter of King", and you will find many good verses.
According to the Talmud, she is. However, the Bible neither confirms nor denies this.