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It is a fact of history that in the time of Christ the Jews were in possession of sacredbooks, which differed widely from one another in subject, style, origin and scope, and it is also a fact that they regarded all such writings as invested with acharacter which distinguished them from all other books. This was the Divine authority of every one of these books and of every part of each book. This belief of the Jews was confirmed by Our Lord and His Apostles; for they supposed its truth in their teaching, used it as a foundation of their doctrine, and intimately connected with it the religious system of which they were the founders. The books thus approved were handed down to the Christian Church as the written record of Divine revelation before the coming of Christ. The truths of Christian revelation were made known to the Apostles either by Christ Himself or by the Holy Ghost. They constitute what is called the Deposit of Faith, to which nothing has been added since the Apostolic Age. Some of the truths were committed to writing under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and have been handed down to us in the books of the New Testament. Written originally to individual Churches or persons, to meet particular necessities, and accommodated as they all were to particular and existing circumstances, these books were gradually received by the universal Church as inspired, and with the sacred books of the Jews constitute The Bible.


Catholic AnswerThe New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant contained in the Old Testament. It was written by members of the Catholic Church during the first hundred and twenty years, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, after Our Blessed Lord ascended into heaven. The New Testament as we have it today was approved by the Council of Rome in the late fourth century, the Council of Trent repeated the Decrees of Rome 1,100 years later. The New Testament, thus, is the Catholic religion's ancient preaching of the Gospel, it is the words of God, in God's own Words. The Church teaches that the Bible is inerrant, and to be venerated as we venerate the Body of Our Blessed Lord. So of course the Bible contains the New Testament, the Catholic Church wrote it.
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Q: Does the Catholic Bible contain the New Testament?
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There are 66 books in the bible. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. 66 for the Protestant Bible. 73 for the Catholic Bible.

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