If you mean the code 'hidden' in The Bible where the theory is that certain words or phrases have been somehow placed there that prophesy or speak of events, then this is pure fantasy, and belongs in the realm of ley lines and horoscopes in daily papers. The fact is, for example, with ley lines, that there are so many points on maps that it is almost certain that straight lines can be drawn through many of them. Ley line enthusiasts will claim that ancient sites, churches and so on lie on straight lines. But armed with a ruler and a map, one can draw lines between almost any features, including railway stations, post offices and cinemas - if there are enough of them. Similarly with horoscopes - if today, being a Capricorn, you will meet a dark stranger, there are enough Capricorns in the world that statistically that very experience will happen to - purely by coincidence. To those which the horoscope comes true it has some significance, but for every one of these there are dozens to which it doesn't - and therefore it proves nothing. As for the Bible Code, the perpetrators of this fantasy arrange the so-called letters or words in the most convenient forms necessary to 'show' that words or letters line up. However, seldom are the original languages used, and even when they are they are frequently mistranslated to fit, or the squares or sequences arranged in such a way so that 'something' can be seen. In addition the lines of 'hidden' words or phrases run all over the place and simply do not reflect the correct Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic languages (the original languages of the Bible) necessary for correct interpretation. Also, considering that there are over 3 and a half million letters in the Bible, that can be arranged in billions of different rectangular combinations, it is possible that some words or letters can be seen as 'hidden' but this is certainly coincidental, having so many possible letters at your disposal, than by design. In fact, it has been said that the Bible Code does actually support one 'scientific' fact: there's one idiot born every minute.
No the Muslims do not believe in the bible, they only have the quran.
the Bible IS the word of God
You can search Bible Code online for FREE at http://www.divinecoders.com/
Yes, I have the book.
I believe that the first printing of the bible using movable type was the The Gutenberg Bible of 1455.
Personally, I do not.
The Bible codes has yet to forewarn anyone of anything. Discoveries in the code occur only after an event has happened.
Yes, many people believe the world will end. Some believe it is because the Bible predicts it and some because our sun will die.
Some people do not believe the Bible, but Christians believe it is right.
The Bible Code - book - was created in 1997.
The Bible Code 2.
No the Muslims do not believe in the bible, they only have the quran.
Many fools claim to but no one actually follows through on the bible's many very crazy presciptions for life. Ever hear of anyone getting stoned by a congregation for blaspheming? Any husbands ever stone their new wives to death after finding out they aren't a virgin? Find many people marrying their brother's widows after the brother's death? it may be harmless to 'believe' that a donkey can complain to his rider for a beating by turning and talking to him in plain language, but does anyone really believe that happened? You'd have to be insane.
The Gideons believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant word of God.
They believe the Bible is the sole rule of Faith and stress its literal interpretation.
the Bible IS the word of God