Moses, the first biblical prophet, lived more than a thousand years before Jesus Christ. According to some sources, Moses lived in the fourteenth century B.C. According to others, he lived in the thirteenth or twelfth century B.C. Please see the related links for details.
Job lived 1800- 2000 years before Christ.
The Christian 'Good Friday' is about the day that Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross to be the perfect sacrifice that we were unable to be. He gave his life that we might live.
The new testament is a record of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recalled by the apostles and a record of the foundation of the early church by these apostles. As such it tells Christians about God's love, forgiveness and how, by Christ's example, to live a good life. It also promises a life to come by following Christ.
Moses lived 120 years according to Deut. 34:7. THATS BOLLOCKS
Traditional Jewish reckoning puts the lifetime of Moses at 1392 BCE until 1272 BCE.
Moses live around 1,500 years before Jesus the Christ.
Obviously BC. BC stands for "before christ", there were no dinosaurs walking around with jesus christ in the bible
Moses first lived in Egypt, Jesus lived in Nazareth..
Moses lived about 1360 years before Jesus. However, in spite of that distance in time - and death - Moses and Jesus met up on the Mount of the Transfiguration while Jesus was on Earth. You be the judge whether or not they 'lived' at the same time.
They were the American Indians.
As long as your faith is in Jesus Christ you will live with Him in Heaven forever. You body will die but you soul will live forever.
Jesus Christ lived for 33 yrs
long after
Zeus lived in a time period before Jesus Christ was born. It is said that he was born in 700 B.C.
Methuselah. He lived for 969 years. He died in the same year of the great flood of Noah's time.
The Lord Jesus Christ said of himself ' I am not come but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" Christ walked the earth as God manifest in the flesh and fulfilled the law of moses I.E. lived the perfect life we could never live. He lived as a Jew fulfilling the law of Moses. The essense of his purpose was to do the will of the Father he said "I am come to do the will of him that sent me" As Christians in this age and dispensation Christ lives his life through us not as a Jew but to do the will of the Father in this age. God requires different things of men in different ages, we do not live as a Jew under moses law but according to the teachings given to the apostle Paul as he is our apostle for the age we live in to whom Christ gave the instructionsd for us to live by in this age in the books of Romans, Corinthians , Galatians, Ephesians, Philipians,Colosians- The popular statement which ask :What would Jesus Do? is somewhat misleading in reference as to how a Christian would act today since we are not living under the Law of Moses as Christ did -Our purpose is to do the will of God by Christ living through us-not as a Jew under the law, but as a saved Gentile in this age.