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Q: Did Greek and roman temples have odd or even numbers of columns?
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How can you tell a Roman temple apart from a Greek temple?

One way to differentiate Roman temples from Greek temples is by looking at the architectural details. Roman temples typically have more ornate and elaborate designs, including intricate carvings and sculptures. Additionally, Roman temples are often more massive in scale compared to Greek temples.

What type of columns does the Lincoln memorial have?

The Lincoln Memorial has columns from the Doric Order made of Greek Architecture.

Are the temples in Baalbek Roman Greek or Phoenician?

The temple is Roman built on Phoenician foundations.

Which culture's architecture can be identified by the large buildings and columns?

Both Greek and Roman architecture have large buildings and columns but probably more-so Greek

Where is the Roman temple in Poptropica on Mythology Island?

There is a Greek temple on Main St. but no Roman temples.

Why did Jefferson locate Monticello on a hilltop?

Hilltops were traditional sites of Greek or Roman temples

Which is an example of how the Roman's copied Greek design?

The temples and the statues were modelled on those of the Greeks.

What was the Roman architecture was heavily influenced by?

The Greek styles of columns - Ionian, Doric, Corinthian.

How were Romans artists influenced by the Greeks?

The main Greek influence on Roman art was in sculpture. During the period of the Roman Republic, Roman sculpture was portraiture sculpture (busts). The establishment of rule by emperors saw the introduction of full body statues in the Hellenistic style of the Greeks. Due to the perfection of Greek sculpture the Romans did not try to imitate their sculpture. They either hired Greek sculptors or made reproductions of statues by great Greek sculptors. The Romans adopted the three Greek orders (styles) for making columns: Doric Ionic and Corinthian. They also introduced the Composite order, which mixed elements of two of the mentioned orders. They used columns to build porticoes and temples. Most of the latter were built in the Greek style. Some of the later temples, instead, were circular and had a dome and were a Roman invention. For the rest, Roman architecture was Roman. The Romans effected what historians have called the Roman architectural revolution which transformed ancient architecture by making large scale use of concrete, the arch and the vaulted arch (or vault). The Romans learnt mosaic making form the Greeks and most recorded names of Roman mosaic workers are Greek. Sometimes Roman mosaics and frescoes depicted scenes from Greek myths.

How did greek archetecture influence roman life?

Greek architecture influenced Roman life by inspiring the Romans to adopt architectural elements and principles, such as columns, friezes, and pediments, into their own building designs. This led to the construction of grand structures like temples, theaters, and civic buildings that reflected the aesthetics and style of Greek architecture. The Romans also developed their own architectural innovations, combining elements of Greek design with their own engineering advancements to create a unique Roman architectural style.

Where is Ionic Column located?

Ionic columns are typically found in ancient Greek and Roman architecture, often in temples, public buildings, and other structures. They can also be seen in more modern buildings that draw inspiration from classical architecture.

What US buildings have Greek columns?

Thomas Jefferson loved Greek and Roman Architecure. His residence, Monticello, was based off of basic Roman concepts. The state house, senate house, and The White House have Roman influences.