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It is simply a length of 60 inches.

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Q: Calculate 60 linear inches in dimentions?
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What is 60 inches in cms?

The answer is 23.62 inches (approx.). Inches and centimeters are both units of linear measurement. Inches are used in the imperial system whereas centimeters are used in the metric system. To convert from cm to inches, multiply the cm unit by 0.393701.

How many feet in 60 linear feet?

Feet and linear feet are the same measurement. Therefore, 60 linear feet is equal to 60 feet.

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The meaning of "Linear" is designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree. Typically linear as in a straight line, y = mx + c 60 linear inches is 60 inches. I can think of a non-linear 60 inches, for example, when you measure the circumference of a circle, the circumference could measure 60 inches, but it is going around in a circle. r^2 = x^2 + y^2

How much of an area does 60lbsand cover if it will be 2 inches thick?

In order to calculate the area coverage of 60 lbs and 2 inches thick, more information would be needed.Ê The information needed is what the 60 pounds is.ÊÊ To calculate area, you multiply width times height.

Which is the greater 64 inches or 5 feet?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 feet =12 inches 5 feet = 60 inches hence, 64 > 60 which means 64 inches > 5 feet

How much 5 feet in inches?

12 inches to the x 5 is--? ANSWER 5 feet = 60 inches

How many inches are in 60 centimeters?

60 centimeters = 23.6220472 inches.

How do you convert a square meter to linear yard at 60 wide?

at 60 " wide how do you convert linear yards to meters

How many cubic centimeters does 60 cubic inches equal?

983.2 cubic cm

I am 60 inches tall. What is this in cm?

The answer is 152.40 cm (approx.). Inches and centimeters are both units of linear measurement. Inches are used in the imperial system whereas centimeters are used in the metric system. To convert from inches to cm, multiply the inch unit by 2.54.