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Yes. The ancient Churches which the Apostle Paul planted throughout Asia minor, the Balkans, and Greece are still in existence. The Church at Thessilonica, a recipient of two of the Apostles letters, has continued since his time to preserve the ancient Faith.

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Q: Are there any churches today where Paul planted churches?
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Who are the ministers of the churches Apostle Paul started?

Paul did not start any "churches" as such. He visited different cities and established groups that examined the Hebrew scriptures and applied the teachings of Jesus. A few of the cities were Colossi, Ephesus, Galatia, Antioch, Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Phillipi.

Where did Jesus establish the first church?

Christ did not establish any church if you are referring to a particular building. Churches were in existence long before Christ was born. Christ only established his gospel to be taught in existing churches. The first structure that we know of was an alter built be Adam.

Are there any parts of the Bible that are not true?

The entire King James 1911 version of the bible is the true inspired Word of God, EXCEPT for everything that is in the Letters of the Epistles. Jesus Christ chose Saul, later became known as Paul, to replaceJudas Iscariot as his 12th Disciple. Saul was a persecutor of the the Christians and he was on his was to Damascus to have all Christians thrown into prison when Jesus Christ appeared to him on the road and converted Saul to Paul. Not everything that Paul wrote in his letters to the churches were the words of God, but his own. Therefore, if the things the Apostles said in the Letters written to the churches are not in the rest of the Bible, then God did not say them and they are not true' yet this is what the Christian Churches are preaching from, which is the doctrine of man. The King James 1611 Bible is the most misunderstood book ever written. The reason why is because it is not meant to be understood by everyone. This is why Jesus always spoke in parables. Most of the things that Jesus said to his Disciples are meant only for them. However, the Bible has been mis-interrupted to believe that these things apply to all those who believe in him. There is no truth in any of the revised bibles. They have completely changed God's Words to mean something completely different and anyone who studies them is being led down the wrong path. If you really want truth, wisdom and understanding of the Bible you must ask God for it.

What books in the Old Testament were written by Paul?

The Old Testament was completed by the second century BCE, long before Paul lived. He did not write any books in the Old Testament.

Who is the New Testament about?

The new testament is about the life and death of Jesus, the messiah. Although there are many people who appear throughout the new testament like any of the apostles. The New Testament is also about the birth of Christianity, the spread of the gospel of salvation and the establishment of Christian churches. The New Testament also contains teaching for the new churches.

Related questions

How many churches did St. Paul start?

The number of churches started by Saint Paul is not stated in the New Testament. Although there are seven that he is directly said to have started.

How many churches did Jesus Christ establish?

Jesus never started any church in his lifetime , it was started by Paul.

In 2 Corinthians 11 v8 what churches did Paul rob?

In 2 Corinthians Paul is speaking about self-support to the Corinthian church. The word "robbed" is used the same as "took money or wages" to support the corinthian church. The churches that supported Paul included the Philippian church. Paul did not rob any churches. They gave freely to support Paul for God's glory. The problem was that the Corinthian church wasn't supporting Paul; he had to use donations from other churches to pay his way to teach the Corinthians. Paul wanted nothing from no one. He trusted solely on the Lord. In Philippians 4:13 Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Who are the ministers of the churches Apostle Paul started?

Paul did not start any "churches" as such. He visited different cities and established groups that examined the Hebrew scriptures and applied the teachings of Jesus. A few of the cities were Colossi, Ephesus, Galatia, Antioch, Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Phillipi.

Are there any other churches except Laodiceans in the scriptures that paul wrote to but did not make them a book in the NT?

Church at Ephesus Church at Corinth

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Did Saint Paul get any answers to his letters?

Great question. It appears that Paul was in back-and-forth correspondence from some of his churches. In Philippians 2:25-29, it is shown that the Church of Philippi sent a man named Epaphroditus to bring a message to Paul and care for him. So they do keep in touch.Since Paul is constantly on the move planting churches or else in prison, he may not have received direct letters from every church, but if he doesn't hear from them, he certainly hears much of them, and he knows how they are doing, how they responded to his message and so forth.

What does it means if someone say God planted them?

"God planted them" is a fragment of a sentence. It is something like "God planted them to test our faith". It is only part of a phrase that does not have any meaning on its own.