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No. The city gates are called: # Damascus Gate # Herod's Gate # Lions' Gate # Dung Gate # Zion Gate # Jaffa Gate # Golden Gate - Sealed gates # Single Gate - Sealed gates # Double Gate - Sealed gates # Huldah Gates - Sealed gates See for reasons for the names. The twelve tribes are # Reuben # Simeon # Levi # Judah # Dan # Naphtali # Gad # Asher # Issachar # Zebulun # Joseph # Benjamin Read about them on

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Q: Are the gates of Jerusalem named for the twelve tribes?
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What is a twelve sided polygon named?

A twelve sided polygon is called a dodecagon.

Did he make the 12 disciples?

The twelve Apostles- Jesus of Nazareth had chosen, named, and trained in order to send them on a specific mission. For further reading a link to wiki is below.

Why is the fourth book of the old testament named Numbers?

Technically, the Hebrew name means "in the wilderness" but it was changed to Numbers due to the numbering (or census) of Israel tribes within the book.

Where are the twelve tribes of Israel listed in the Bible?

Another answer from our community:Numbers 2 is a good place to find all the tribes. This chapter details the camping arrangement of the tribes while they travelled in the wilderness:On the east: Judah, Issachar and Zebulun (v3-7)On the south: Reuben, Simeon and Gad (v10-14)On the west: Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin (v18-22)On the north: Dan, Asher and Naphtali (v25-29)These camped in a rectangle around the tabernacle. The tribe of Levi encamped in a smaller rectangle between the other 12 tribes and the tabernacle.If you do your counting, you will find that there are actually 13 tribes listed. This is for two reasons:Joseph was given firstborn status and as such had a double portion. Instead of a single tribe of Joseph, his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were made tribes. In Gen 48:5 Jacob claims his grandsons as his own.The Levites were not given tribal land and were instead dispersed throughout Israel. God says that the Levites were dedicated to him in place of all the firstborn sons of Israel which were saved during the last plague on Egypt (Num 3:40-41)In other places the tribes are listed differently. When Jacob's blesses his sons (Gen 49) 12 are listed but Joseph is listed on his own instead of Ephraim and Manasseh.In Revelation 7:1-8 where 144,000 faithful (12,000 from each tribe), Levi, Ephraim and Manasseh are all present, but Dan is omitted from the 12. It is important to remember that Revelation is highly symbolic. In Jacob's 'blessings' Dan is represented as a "serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path" (Gen 49:17). The snake is a symbol of sin throughout the Bible. It may be that this symbolism is used in this list, excluding the tribe representing sin as it is the righteous who are being sealed.

Is it true that Abram Isaac Jacob and Judah mentioned in genealogy list of Matthew and Luke were not real people but names of tribes of people?

No. Abram, whose name was changed by God to Abraham, was the father of Isaac. (See Gen. 21.) Isaac was the father of Jacob. (See Gen. 25:19 and the following verses.) Isaac had 12 sons who, roughly speaking, gave their names to the 12 tribes of the Israelites. One of those sons was named Judah, and his descendants, generally speaking, were members of the tribe of Judah. (See Gen. 49 where Jacob blesses his sons, but is also making prophecies about the tribes that will be named for each of them.)

Related questions

How many gates are there in Jerusalem?

There are currently eight gates in the Old City of Jerusalem. These gates are historically significant entrances to the city and are named based on their direction or symbolism.

What was the tribe that Jacob founded?

He founded the Twelve Tribes named in Numbers ch.2, through his twelve sons.

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The Hebrews had twelve tribes, named after the sons of JacobReubenSimeonLeviJudahDanNaphtaliGadAsherIssacharZebulunJosephBenjamin

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No. All twelve tribes are from Israel. They are known as the twelve tribes of Israel, they all descend from Abraham's grandson who was named Israel. There are some offshoot religions that claim to be one of the tribes, or a "lost tribe" of Israel, but blood tests have proven they do not descend from Israel.

Why was one of the gates in Jerusalem called the dung gate?

It is probably named after the residue that was taken from the Jewish Temple into the Valley of Hinnom, where it was burned.

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The Jewish people trace their ancestry back to the patriarch - who was also named Israel - who had twelve sons. They were the 'founders' of the twelve tribes of Israel. The country takes its name from there.

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Jacob, son of Isaac, was later in his life named Israel, in recognition of his being the father of the twelve patriarchs of the nation of Israel , later to become the twelve tribes.

How many tribes were the hebrews broken up in to?

The Israelites, descendants of the biblical patriarch Jacob, were divided into twelve tribes which were named after Jacob's sons and grandsons. These tribes were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

What famous father is the nation of Israel named for in the Bible?

The nation of Israel is named after the biblical character Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel by God in the Book of Genesis. Israel is considered one of the founding fathers of the Israelite people.

What is the connection of Jacob to Israel?

Israel was the new name given to Jacob after he wrestled with the angel. 'Israel' means one who prevails with God. The nation of Israel was named after him. The twelve tribes of Israel are descendants of his twelve sons.

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