Yes. Although many of them are commonly attributed to Kings David and Solomon, the psalms were actually all written anonymously centuries after the time of David and Solomon. We do not know who really wrote them.
The writer isn't known.
Psalm 142 is traditionally attributed to King David, while he was hiding in the cave. However, scholars say that the psalms are a genre unknown at the time attributed to David. They say that they were written many centuries later, during and after the Babylonian Exile. The author was anonymous, probably living during the darkest times of the Babylonian Exile.
Psalm 9 is traditionally attributed to King David. However, scholars say that the psalms are a literary genre unknown at the time attributed to David. They were written anonymously over more than two hundred years, during and after the Babylonian Exile. Psalm 9 makes several triumphant references to the defeat of the heathens and the enemies, not by Israel, but by God. This could only mean that the Psalm was written after the Persian defeat of the hated Babylonians. Verse 11 says that God lives in Zion (Jerusalem), implying that the Jews was already returned from Babylon. We can not know the name of the anonymous author, but we can say that he lived some time soon after the Return from the Babylonian Exile.
Biblical tradition holds that the psalms were written by Kings David and Solomon, or their contemporaries. However, scholars say that the Psalms were a genre unknown in the times attributed to the United Monarchy and that they were actually written much later, during the Babylonian Exile and for a period of some two hundred years afterwards. In Psalm 105, we see a little evidence of this at verse 15, which refers to the prophets. The biblical prophets came after the time of David and Solomon; the earlier persons were known as patriarchs. We know approximately when Psalm 105 was written - during or after the Babylonian Exile - but we do not know who its anonymous author was.
Psalm 9 is a lament Psalm.
unknown author or writer, unknown creator, anonymous person
Yes and no. Yes, no name is given. And no, because tradition states that this Psalm (and certain others) was originally spoken by Moses (Rashi commentary, on Psalm 90:1, referring also to Psalm 100).
The writer of Beowulf is unknown. The epic poem was likely composed by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet in the early medieval period.
Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter.
Is an Unknown Person. Example: From: Anonymous ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To:___________
The word is "anonymous."
Ethan the Ezarahite.
The writer isn't known.
Anonymous, or unknown.
unknown or anonymous
The word 'anonymous' means unknown or one who doesn't wish to give ones name or who's name is not known.So anonymous people means unknown people.
there name?